Organizing Department Heats Up Internal Organizing Effort at NFFE-IAM Locals in Louisiana and Oklahoma

An internal organizing effort conducted by the Organizing Department at National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE-IAM Federal District 1) Locals in Louisiana and Oklahoma has grown the IAM by more than 150 members.

The newest members include healthcare professional employees at NFFE-IAM Local 1956 in Shreveport, LA and U.S. Army federal civilian employees at NFFE-IAM Local 273 in Fort Sill, OK.

Internal organizing, which focuses on engaging workers who are represented by the union but haven’t signed up to be members, is critical to growing bargaining power.

“Our organizing team is laser focused on growing our union in both numbers and strength,” said IAM Organizing Director Vinny Addeo. “We look forward to continuing these efforts and bringing stronger collective bargaining power to members across many different sectors.”

The effort was led by IAM Organizing Department Grand Lodge Representative Juan Eldridge, with assistance from Organizing Department Special Representative Chris Casteel and Grand Lodge Representative Sonny Martinez. NFFE-IAM Business Representative Jerry McCarty and NFFE-IAM Local 1956 President Cassandra Buckhanan assisted in the campaign.

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41st IAM Grand Lodge Convention to be Held in New York City in September 2024

The IAM Executive Council has met and unanimously voted to hold the 2024 IAM Grand Lodge Convention at New York Hilton Midtown from September 1-6, 2024. A call letter will soon be sent to District and Local Lodges with further information.

An essential part of the Convention will be the 2024 IAM Commemorative Convention Book, and a popular feature of the book will be ads from our own Local and District Lodges. Proceeds from the ads will help offset the cost of the Convention. We will send out information early next year on how your Local or District can support the 41st Grand Lodge Convention.

“The IAM Executive Council is excited to hold the 2024 Grand Lodge Convention in New York City, a city with one of the highest union densities in North America,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “I have full confidence that the Eastern Territory and the Host Committee will host a spectacular Convention that represents all sectors of our great union.”  

“The Eastern Territory is ready to put on a Convention that will honor our past and future,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President David Sullivan. “New York offers a venue that will allow our delegates to conduct the business of our union. The Host Committee is hard at work to ensure the 41st Grand Lodge Convention will be an experience that our members from all across North America will remember for a lifetime.”

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Register Now for the 2023 AFL-CIO Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference

The IAM is joining with labor and civil rights allies in Washington, D.C., January 13-16 for the 2023 AFL-CIO Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Civil and Human Rights Conference.

The theme of this year’s MLK Conference is “Claiming our Power, Protecting Our Democracy.”

Register now for the 2023 AFL-CIO MLK Civil and Human Rights Conference.

The conference will host timely discussions led by experts about the most pressing issues facing our movement, determine how we can address these challenges, share best practices and provide attendees with the cutting-edge tools and knowledge they need to affect change.

Register now for the 2023 AFL-CIO MLK Civil and Human Rights Conference.

The labor movement has always been a force for progress, and we will continue that legacy by standing in our power and fighting back against undemocratic, anti-worker attacks from extremist politicians and corrupt corporate interests.

We will step into the year with purpose and make it clear that working people will determine the direction of this country. 

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Machinists Sponsor GDA/TLC Hockey Night, Buy Your Special IAM/GDA Jersey Now

Machinists Sponsor GDA/TLC Hockey Night, Buy Your Special IAM/GDA Jersey Now

IAM District Lodge 6, Local Lodge 388, and Local Lodge 1191 sponsored a recent Quad City Storm minor-league hockey game in Moline, Illinois, to raise money for Guide Dogs of America/Tender Loving Canines (GDA/TLC).

The union also sponsored custom, one-of-a-kind, Machinists Union and GDA/TLC branded jerseys for the players. After the game, the game-worn jerseys were auctioned to benefit GDA/TLC, and now replicas of the jerseys are only being sold for a limited time. Fifty percent of the online jersey sale proceeds go directly to GDA/TLC.

BUY: You Can Buy a Jersey Here for a Limited Time Only

Machinists Union member volunteers sold foam pucks for “chuck a puck,” where spectators can throw pucks onto the ice to win prizes from different businesses. They also handed out free GDA/TLC branded “thunder sticks” to the first 1,000 attendees and sold raffle tickets for a jersey.

“Local Lodges 388 and 1191 have sponsored this great GDA/TLC fundraiser event for many years,” said IAM Grand Lodge Representative Rick Mickschl. “The memberships of both locals attend and cheer for the Quad City Storm Hockey Team, all while raising funds for GDA. This event is ‘Machinists Strong’ and shows that we are unionists with passion and support for the great mission of Guide Dogs of America.”

Approximately 300 IAM members were in the crowd for the Machinists Union night, and 40 members worked as volunteers.  Many also participated in the post-game live player jersey auction.

“Visibility of our union in the community is so important,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “This important event showcases the huge effort we put into raising money for GDA/TLC, a cause so close to many IAM members and community members’ hearts.

Midwest Territory Special Representative Brian Simmons was there with guide-dog-in-training Sheldon. Guide dog recipients Susie Halverson and Vanessa Grzywa attended as special guests with their guide dogs and performed the game-starting puck drop.

The guide dogs were also honored on the ice during a segment typically attributed to first responders. Because the dogs are their handlers’ first responders, they received this special recognition.

This was the fourth year the district and locals sponsored a Quad City Storm game to benefit GDA/TLC. The union has a special connection to the Storm. Retired IAM Local Lodge 388 member John Dawson owns the team.

“My experience in leadership with the Machinist Union prepared me for owning a hockey team,” said Dawson. “And it’s those good-paying, union jobs that give you the finances to make your dreams come true.”

Online jersey sales will end on December 20th at midnight.

BUY: Buy a One-of-a-Kind Jersey Here for a Limited Time Only

The funds raised from the Machinists Union sponsored game night, live auction, and replica jersey sales will be totaled and announced shortly after jersey sales end.

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Derrick Battle Appointed IAM Rail Division Special Representative

IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. has appointed Derrick Battle, a General Chairman since 2013, as a Rail Division Special Representative. The appointment is effective January 1, 2023. Battle initiated into Houston, TX IAM Local 2198 in 2007 when he was hired into Union Pacific Railroad.

“Brother Battle’s experience and leadership qualities will make him an ideal representative for our Rail Division members,” said IAM Special Assistant to the International President Josh Hartford. “Battle has not only proudly served the IAM but also our country. His experience and knowledge in the rail industry will greatly benefit our members.”

Battle has worked his way up through the ranks of the IAM, serving as a Committeeman, Assistant Local Chairman, and Local Chairman before being appointed General Chairman in 2013, and has successfully been reelected every subsequent four years. Battle currently represents members at many railroads, including Amtrak and Union Pacific. 

“Brother Derrick has a tremendous passion and dedication for protecting the livelihoods of IAM Rail members,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Derrick has represented Rail members at numerous railroads and has accumulated a vast knowledge of the industry that will continue to help serve our members and grow our great union.”

In July 2022, he was appointed by IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. to serve as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for the IAM Veterans Support Benefit Inc. and as a member of the IAM Veterans Support Steering Committee.

Battle enlisted in the U.S. Army in 1987, starting his career at Fort Benning, GA. He did multiple tours of duty, including in 1989 in Panama for Operation Jump Cause and in 1991 for Operation Desert Shield/Desert Storm. His long and distinguished career culminated in 1993.

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Machinists Union Stands in Solidarity with United Airlines Pilots

Machinists Union Stands in Solidarity with United Airlines Pilots

The Machinists Union is proud to stand in solidarity with the United Airlines Pilots as they demand a union contract they deserve.

On Wednesday, December 7, 100 members of the IAM District Lodge 141 and the Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) who also work at United stood in solidarity with the 200 United Airlines pilots as they held an informational picket during the airline’s board of directors meeting in Houston.

The United Airlines Pilots are demanding for a stronger contract that’s four years overdue.

Learn more about upcoming United Airlines pilots’ informational picketing events here.





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