Oct 30, 2023 | Local S6 Elections, Local S6 Leadership Alerts
Brothers and Sisters,
Please find below the rescheduled upcoming 2nd shift shop steward election.
Local S6 Shop Steward Election
Below is a listing for the upcoming W12, S40, L40, 2nd shift election for Bath/EBMF on Thursday, November 9, 2023.
In the event the election cannot be held on the stated date, the alternate date will be the 1st workday after the cancellation (or the Shipyard re-opens) at the same time and places listed below.
EBMF Tool Crib: 3:00 PM – 3:25 PM
Bath: North Gate, West Gate and South Gate: 3:00 PM – 3:55 PM.
Candidates are listed alphabetically:
Dianna Appel
Michael Martinez
*Vote for 1 Steward*
Oct 27, 2023 | Local S6 Leadership Alerts
Peyton Brewer-Ross will be remembered for who he was, a kind upstanding member of our community. He was a graduate apprentice Pipefitter who worked hard and cared deeply for the people around him. His compassion for others caused him to join the Local S6 Education Committee where he did all he could to go above and beyond to support his fellow workers. His humor and good nature made him an excellent addition to our family of representatives and committee members. His love of cornhole, wrestling, and comic book heroes made him a colorful character to be around. He could often be heard quoting Macho Man Randy Savage, one of his favorite wrestlers. All those who have been caught up in this tragedy have been left with a painful void. Our hearts and thoughts are with everyone who has been impacted, especially Peyton’s partner and young daughter. We will grieve his tragic passing and mourn with all who knew him, but we will remember him for his kindness, compassion, and strong character.
Rest in peace, Brother Peyton.

Oct 26, 2023 | Local S6 Elections, Local S6 Upcoming Events
Brothers and Sisters,
Due to today’s recent tragic events, we are postponing todays 2nd Shift Shop Steward Election.
We will post updates on when we plan to run the election in the near future. Stay safe.
In Solidarity,
Local S6 Leadership
Oct 26, 2023 | Local S6 Leadership Alerts
Brothers and Sisters,
Our hearts and thoughts are consumed by an overwhelming sense of compassion for all members who were impacted by the tragic mass shooting that unfolded last night in Lewiston. The Local S6 Family is not just a mere union; it’s an intertwined network that spans across the state, with many of us calling Lewiston and Auburn our home. Our community is navigating the fallout of a traumatic event, the likes of which we’ve never seen before.
In response to this heart-wrenching tragedy, Local S6 has received a commitment from BIW to give Unpaid Excused Time-Off (Code 03) to anyone who may need it as a result of this tragedy. Reach out to your Craft Administrator to have your time covered.
Additionally, an MOA has been signed to allow for the polling of Weekend Overtime on 10/26 and 10/27, to ensure anyone who was out Thursday still has a chance to work the weekend.
Lastly, the IAM’s EAP Director is flying in to support anyone in need. He will be ready and available by tomorrow; 10/27. Please reach out to your steward or call the Union Hall at 207-442-2063 if you would like to receive help from IAM EAP.
In Solidarity,
Local S6 Leadership
Oct 20, 2023 | Local S6 Elections
Brothers and Sisters,
Please find the below election results for the recent 2nd Shift Shop Steward Election.
CLICK HERE: Election Results Main M04 O04 2nd Shift 10_20_23: CLICK HERE
In Solidarity,
Local S6 Leadership