IAM Urges Members of Congress to Cosponsor Nationwide Right to Unionize Act

IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. wrote a letter to members of Congress urging them to cosponsor the National Right to Unionize Act being introduced by U.S. Rep. Brad Sherman (D-Calif.) and U.S.Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Massachusetts). Sherman has previously introduced this legislation in the last seven Congresses.

The letter supports the legislation that would ban so-called right-to-work laws that harm workers and suppress wages. Studies have concluded that employees in states with these anti-labor laws average about $11,059 a year less than workers in labor rights states.

“We need your support to help reverse the negative impacts of state’s right-to-work laws,” IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. wrote in the letter.

Right-to-Work laws make it almost impossible to maintain a union. They force labor representatives to provide benefits to free riders who avoid paying their fair share. This legislation would eliminate the provision of the Taft-Hartley Act which allows so-called “Right-to-Work” laws.

“Republicans and their corporate interest backers have imposed state laws with only one goal: destroy unions and discourage workers from organizing for higher wages, fair benefits, and safer working conditions,” said Senator Elizabeth Warren. “At a time when labor unions are growing in both size, popularity, and delivering real wins for workers, Democrats are making clear that we stand in solidarity with workers everywhere, from Starbucks baristas to Google cafeteria workers and everyone in between.” 

“So called ‘right-to-work’ laws are designed to make it difficult to organize a union,” said Congressman Brad Sherman. “This impacts not only workers who want a union – but general wage levels throughout the state. In an ill-conceived effort to attract business, one state after another has adopted these anti-union laws in a race to the bottom. That is why today I’m proud to partner with Senator Warren to reintroduce the National Right to Unionize Act – legislation I’ve introduced in every session of Congress since 2008.”

Read the complete letter.

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Video: Machinists Union Joins Together for Labor Day Across North America 

Video: Machinists Union Joins Together for Labor Day Across North America 

This past Monday, IAM members and working people across the U.S. and Canada celebrated Labor Day.

American workers’ struggle for dignity and respect dates back to 1877 during the country’s transition from reconstruction to the Industrial Revolution. The Great Railroad Strike of 1877 became the first general strike in the country’s history. Workers organized labor unions to protest long work hours, unsafe working conditions, and awful treatment by their employers. 

Over 140 years ago, Labor Day holiday roots go back to 1882 in New York City when a pivotal event took place with a parade of unions and a massive picnic. For years, the founding of Labor Day had been questionable on who started it because two men with the same-sounding last name from two different unions took credit. But, there is mounting evidence that Machinist Matthew Maguire, of New Jersey, founded Labor Day in 1882. Then on June 28, 1894, President Grover Cleveland signed an act into law that made Labor Day a federal holiday.

In Canada, pressure had been mounting to declare a national labour holiday. On July 23, 1894, the government of Prime Minister John Thompson passed a law making Labour Day an official holiday. A huge parade took place in Winnipeg that year and the tradition of a Labour Day celebration quickly spread across Canada.

Machinists Union members and other unions across North America marched in parades and held events to honor those who fought to bring union rights to workers. Many IAM members captured these events in photos and videos as they let the public know the Machinists Union and its members are proud to be in the labor movement. The fight never stops for justice on the job and service to the community.

Watch the highlight video here.

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Striking Machinists Union San Diego Auto Techs Rally with Labor Leaders, Elected Officials on Labor Day

IAM Local 1484 members at Mercedes-Benz of San Diego, who have been on an unfair labor practice (ULP) strike at Mercedes-Benz of San Diego since June 16, held a Labor Day rally and press conference to highlight unfair labor practices and demand the dealership put forward an honest effort in negotiations allowing them to operate as union factory-trained technicians. The rally was supported by members of the San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council and elected officials. 

 An unfair labor practice (ULP) strike occurs when workers strike over an employer’s unfair labor practice. For months, management has decided to hire outside technicians that are not certified at a higher rate of pay, leaving out the workers with a combined 400+ years of Mercedes-Benz experience.

“I am proud of my fellow technicians who put their careers on the line to fight for the respect and dignity we deserve,” said IAM Local 1484 Member and Lead Technician Francisco Oseguera. “I am fighting to ensure the younger auto technicians that come after me will have a strong union contract to hold management accountable. Without the experienced auto technicians, there is no service department.”

WATCH: Striking Machinists Union San Diego Auto Techs Rally with Labor Leaders, Elected Officials KGTV-TV (San Diego)

“We are in this fight to protect our industry and to grow the union density in the San Diego area,” said IAM Local 1484 Chief Shop Steward and Master Technician Pedro Gomez. “We will either be heroes or martyrs with this strike, but either way, we are winning.”

About 35 San Diego-area IAM Local 1484 (District 190) auto technicians at Mercedes-Benz of San Diego are picketing after extensive negotiations with Penske management for a new union agreement. The Labor Day press conference and picket action were held in response to the unlawfully changed working conditions and unfair labor practices in the process. 

“I am so proud of our members’ courage and patience in this battle against a big company,” said IAM District 190 Area Director Kevin Kucera. “We will do everything we can to overturn these unfair labor practices and get our members back at performing their craft. We will fight to the bitter end to bring justice for our members and their families.”  

“I couldn’t think of a better place to be during Labor Day than with our members at IAM Local 1484,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary Allen. “These technicians are true fighting Machinists, and I am proud to stand with them on this holiday that celebrates the dignity of work. We all must stand behind the technicians because the San Diego community wins when they win.”  

WATCH: IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary Allen Speaking at the Rally

Other speakers included San Diego Mayor Todd Gloria, San Diego and Imperial Counties Labor Council Executive Secretary-Treasurer Brigette Browning, San Diego Board of Supervisors Chair Nathan Fletcher, 78th District Assemblymember Chris Ward, and Kent Lee, candidate for San Diego City Council District 6.


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Machinists Union Mourns Loss of IAM Safety and Health Advocate Joe Abshire

The IAM is mourning the loss of Joe Abshire, a longtime employee, and advocate in the IAM’s Corporation for Re-Employment and Safety Training (CREST). Abshire was 72 years old.

Abshire initiated in IAM Local 946 (District 725) in Rancho Cordova, CA in 1974, serving on the IAM’s safety committee at an Aerojet Rocketdyne plant that produced volatile fuel which propels the nation’s nuclear missiles and NASA rockets.

Because of his experience working in dangerous environments, Abshire was recruited to assist IAM CREST in hazardous materials safety training as an associate instructor. Within a short time, Abshire accepted a position as the IAM’s liaison and instructor at the ICWUC Center for Workers Health and Safety Education in Cincinnati.

Abshire would go on to serve on the IAM CREST staff as an instructor, curriculum developer, grant manager, and assistant to the IAM CREST president.

“Brother Abshire dedicated his career to making sure working men and women doing dangerous work got home safe,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “He was a truly good man and union Brother who will be always remembered for his service to our great union. We send our deepest thoughts and condolences to his wife, Melody, and the entire family.”

“There are thousands of active and retired members who have benefitted from Brother Abshire’s decades of dedication to the craft of occupational safety and health,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “His passion for educating workers to make their workplaces safer and his commitment to his union was unwavering.”

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Chicago Local 1487 Joins Together to Support Guide Dogs

Approximately 150 IAM members gathered outside of Chicago at Hoffman Estates at the Bridges of Poplar Creek to play a round of golf to raise money for Guide Dogs of America-Tender Loving Canines. IAMLocal 1487 hosted this fun-filled event for its locals and other members from around the country. Members traveled in as far as Hawaii, California, Texas, and New England to help contribute to the IAM’s charity of choice. It takes close to $60,000 to raise these specially trained animals.

“With the money, we will raise today, we will be able to provide a dog like Sheldon to a veteran with PTSD, a child who has autism, or somebody whose blind or visually impaired,” said Zack Gittlen, Guide Dogs of America and Tender Loving Canines Manager of Marketing and Development. “It’s really going to change and transform their lives”

WATCH: Chicago Local 1487 Joins Together to Support Guide Dogs

“This is the sixth successful outing that we’ve had and four of them have been sold out,” said Tony Licciardi, IAM Local 1487 President. “I can’t thank the members enough for showing up year after year.”

IAM Air Transport General Vice President Richard Johnsen and several Air Transport staff also attended to meet up with members for the tournament.

“It’s always fun to spend time talking to our members,” said Johnsen. “A lot of United Airlines members are here right now so lots of questions. It’s just a real feel-good day and we always can’t wait to come out and raise money for Guide Dogs Of America.”

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Únase a nosotros en diciembre para Organizar en español | Join us in December for Organizing in Spanish

Es esencial comprender las diferencias culturales de los miembros de IAM y adaptar nuestros esfuerzos de educación y divulgación según sea necesario. Al asegurarnos de identificar a los participantes para nuestros programas de español, que se llevan a cabo en el Centro de Educación y Tecnología William W. Winpisinger, el IAM puede educar a los miembros que a menudo están desatendidos o excluidos de los papeles de liderazgo de la logia local.

Cuando el mensaje de IAM es entregado por instructores y líderes con una historia cultural y un lenguaje compartidos, el mensaje resuena mucho más. El Centro Winpisinger ofrece programas en español que se enfocan en educación de liderazgo, negociación colectiva y organización.

Estos programas están ayudando a construir y fortalecer nuestro sindicato y a desarrollar futuros oficiales, activistas, organizadores y líderes. Los programas de español en el Centro Winpisinger brindan capacitación esencial para la próxima generación de líderes latinos y latinas de IAM.

Nosotros queremos animar a los miembros a que se unan con nosotros y participen en unos de nuestros programas en 2023 y en el último programa de este año 2022- Organizar (en Español) 11-16 de diciembre.

Si tienen alguna pregunta sobre los programas de Liderazgo en Español o necesita información adicional, comuníquese con Luis Silvas al (301) 373-8824 o lsilvas@iamaw.org.  Tengan en cuenta que las inscripciones en cualquier programa de Liderazgo en espanol no cuentan contra las asignaciones regulares de su Logia Local para los programas de Liderazgo.

Instructores no presentes: Laura Ewen y Ed Osorio.

Join us in December for Organizing in Spanish

Understanding the cultural differences of IAM members and adapting our education and outreach efforts as needed is essential. By ensuring that we identify participants for our Spanish programs, which are held at the William W. Winpisinger Center for Education and Technology, the IAM is able to educate members who are often underserved or excluded from leadership roles in the local lodge.

When the IAM message is delivered by instructors and leaders with a shared cultural history and language, the message resonates much more. The Winpisinger Center offers programs in Spanish that focus on leadership education, collective bargaining, and organizing.

These programs are helping to build and strengthen our union and develop future officers, activists, organizers and leaders. The Spanish programs at the Winpisinger Center provide essential training for IAM’s next generation of Latino and Latina leaders.

The last Spanish language program being offered in 2022 is Organizing, which will be held December 11-16. We want to encourage members to join us for this program and to participate in our programs scheduled for 2023.

If you have questions about the Spanish language programs or need additional information, contact Instructor Luis Silvas at (301) 373-8824 or lsilvas@iamaw.org. Please note that enrollments in any

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