Are you looking to get a college degree that fits within your busy schedule? Look no further than our degree program with Empire State College!

Since 2014, the IAM has partnered with the State University of New York’s Empire State College (ESC) to offer associate’s and bachelor’s degrees in labor studies through ESC’s Harry Van Arsdale, Jr. School of Labor Studies in New York City.

The partnership also offers a master’s degree in work and labor policy. Degree programs are conducted online, with week-long residencies that occur once a semester at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD.

Our members lead busy lives, and the adult-focused learning at ESC makes their academic programs a perfect fit. You will not find a better program to do a deep dive into the history and context of our work as unionists.

You can apply online at; members who use the code ECPTRIAM will get their application fee waived. Classes begin September 6, and the Winpisinger Center fall residency will run from September 25-30.

Want more information? Please email IAM Education Representative Douglas Williams at

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