More than 400 IAM Local 388 and Machinists Union Local 1191 (District 6) members who work at Eaton Mission Systems Division of Davenport are on strike for retirement security, fair health care benefits and wages. Machinists Union members voted almost unanimously to strike after management made a contract offer with sub-standard wages, reduced health care benefits and decreased 401(k) retirement matching contributions.

The strike began on Friday, February 18. Now as members begin their fourth week on the picket line, they remain strong, despite heavy handed tactics from management. In a letter from Eaton management to striking members, they were told to return to work by March 9 or risk being replaced and waitlisted. The letter came just as members had voted resoundingly to reject the company’s most recent offer.

“The second offer only made one significant change – to the length of the agreement,” said IAM District 6 Directing Business Representative John Herrig. “Our members saw right through that, and the proof is in the results.”

“IAM Members of Local 388 and Local 1191 deserve a contract that reflects their commitment and dedication,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “I’m proud of these members fighting for a fair, just agreement that protects them and their families. We will continue to stand with them every step of the way toward a fair contract.”

If you’d like to support these members and all IAM members taking a stand for dignity and justice on the job, consider an online donation to the IAM Strike Fund.

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