About 35 San Diego-area auto technicians from IAM Local 1484 (District 190) are on an unfair labor practices strike at Mercedes Benz of San Diego. An unfair labor practice (ULP) strike occurs when workers strike over an employer’s unfair labor practice. The ULP strike began on June 16.

Members from Local 1484 recently provided an update on the recent struggles from the picket line.

“The members are determined now more than ever to fight for a fair agreement even after the company bullying of the workers,” said IAM Local 1484 Chief Shop Steward Pedro Gomez. “The Mercedes Benz dealership was the first automotive dealership to unionize in Southern California. The dealership is now taking the position to try and break the union. My life has changed since becoming organized at the Mercedes Benz dealership in San Diego. “This fight isn’t just about this dealership; it’s about making sure we stand strong for other auto technicians across the state of California.”  

“The dealership is trying to break us, but our group is holding strong and standing together in solidarity,” said IAM Local 1484 Lead Technician and 13-year employee Francisco Oseguera. “The Mercedes Benz dealership is better off when our highly skilled group of auto technicians take care of the customers.” 

The IAM has the IAM Strike Fund on goIAM.org to benefit members enduring a strike, creating a unique opportunity for IAM members and supporters who wish to provide aid. The IAM Strike Fund allows for donations of non-dues money from members, families, friends, and other labor supporters to our members on the picket line in San Diego. 

Local 1484 members also created a GoFundMe page to help their fellow striking auto technicians.

“We need to have our members’ back as they fight against the Penske Automotive Group, one of the biggest auto dealership groups in the nation,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “The Western Territory is united and is pledging the total resources of our union to ensure that Local 1484 members are equipped on the picket line and at the bargaining table. Our members will keep fighting until they win. 

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