UPDATE: This rally has been cancelled over concerns about COVID-19.

Fresh off a first-of-its-kind membership vote that yielded a critical endorsement for Joe Biden, IAM members will be in attendance at a rally with the former vice president Tuesday night in Cleveland.

Watch live on Biden’s Facebook or Twitter pages after 8:30 p.m. ET tonight.

“Joe understands that unions built the middle class and that working people deserve their fair share of the prosperity we create,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “At this time more than ever, we need a leader who can deliver for workers and communities across this nation on retirement security, affordable health care and stronger protections for workers and unions. Our members have indicated that strong support for these issues is critical for our endorsement. Joe Biden has been fighting for these issues throughout his career.”

Read the IAM’s full statement, including general membership endorsement election results.

Biden supports the PRO Act, which would hold corporations accountable for violating labor laws and repeal anti-union right-to-work laws. Biden has also pledged to protect the pensions of workers and strengthen the ability to bargain for better wages, benefits and working conditions.

READ: Joe Biden Wins Endorsement Of Machinists Union After Rare Rank-And-File Vote Huffington Post

“Make no mistake, workers’ rights, including safety and health and the right to unionize and bargain collectively, is on the ballot this November,” said Martinez. “We have endured four years of attacks on working people in the form of anti-union judges and NLRB decisions, attacks on our retirement and health care, and more. The GOP tax plan gave enormous tax breaks to multinational corporations while resulting in more than 50 plant closures for IAM members since the president took office. We cannot afford another four years of anti-worker policies being dictated to us by corporate-bought politicians in Washington.”

Today, voters in Idaho, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, North Dakota and Washington state are casting their ballots. Visit vote.org to check registration status, find your polling place and more.

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