The IAM’s Winpisinger Center recently hosted a Local Lodge History Program, an initiative that began in 2001.

“We did the program every couple of years,” said IAM retiree Charles Micallef. “The objective is to teach a team of people from a local lodge or district to research through history or collect it then find ways to disseminate it or make a presentation of it and then archive it so that it’s not lost again.”

Karen Lovelace, IAM Retiree and 12 other IAM members attended the week-long session at W3.

“This is something I’ve always wanted to do, but I knew I didn’t have time to do it correctly, and now that I retired from the actual work I can,” said Lovelace. “I think it would be important to have this put down somewhere for future generations”

To learn more about the program, click here to watch the video.  

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