Negotiating Committee for IAM Local 1406, along with a staff member from District 10, participated in the Negotiation Preparation for Bargaining Committees program at the William W. Winpisinger Center in Hollywood, MD. The Local represents employees at GE Datex-Ohmeda where they build anesthesia, respiratory and infant care machines.

The current contract with GE Datex-Ohmeda expires on June 15, 2020. Recognizing that this promises to be a difficult round of negotiations, the Committee strategized to change bargaining history, map a new direction for relations with the company, put better language in the contract, and to build solidarity in the bargaining unit.

“The week at the Winpisinger Center allowed the Committee to strategically plan for the coming weeks of negotiations.” said District 10 Representative Joe Terlisner “The Committee worked hard reviewing membership survey statements, analyzing data, and identifying specific tasks for the Shop Committee to perform leading up to negotiations. They leave the center better prepared to advance the needs of Local 1406 members.”

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