Brothers and Sisters,

Be prepared for the latest “Conceptual Proposal” on Schedule B. 

If you thought traffic was bad before, wait until the start of 2021!

All facilities will have the same hours of production. 

That’s ALL facilities will be working 7:00 am – 3:30 pm for day shift. 2nd shift will be from 4:00 pm – 12:00 am, and third shift will be from 11:00 pm – 7:00 am.

Article 30, Subcontracting

Well, folks here it is, the Company needs a way to supplement the workforce!!!

1) ALL capital work will be subcontracted without negotiating with the Union. 

2) Eliminating the joint agreement process when supplementing the workforce with subcontractors or temps in response to a lack of mechanics, equipment, and/or facilities. With this massive pile of shit, the Company would not have to hire, they could just create a supplemental workforce. 

Remember all those times the Navy came to BIW and highly praised the men and women who build the best warships in the US Naval Fleet. How many times has BIW sung the praises of the legacy of Bath Built is Best Built? Well, brothers and sisters, those days will be long gone, becoming a fading memory of what once was if this arrogant, insulting, incompetent management team gets their way. 

These proposals are absolutely atrocious and BIW is truly showing you what they think of you. Again, they thought they needed all that versatility in 2015 and did nothing with it. Now they want more with no ability to prove their wants will work. This is just another failed experiment with our futures in the balance. This will cripple the city of Bath and the entire state of Maine. IF YOU’RE NOT PISSED OFF BY NOW YOU SHOULD BE, WE MUST STAND UNITED AND FIGHT BACK TOGETHER!.

These updates will continue to be posted on the Local S6 Facebook page as well.

In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee.