Feb 24, 2022 | iMail
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) proudly supports the Harford County Library Employees Collective Bargaining Authorization Bill, Maryland House Bill 1225, introduced by Delegate Steven Johnson (D-34a). The bill would allow Harford County Public Library staff employees the ability to join a union, ultimately giving them a voice and vote in the workplace.
READ: Harford County Public Library employees move to unionize | The Baltimore Sun / The (Harford County, Md.) Aegis
Since libraries in Maryland are created by state law, state legislation had to be drafted and passed for this group to be able to form a union with the ability to negotiate a contract addressing their wages and working conditions. The IAM has been working side by side with elected officials to make sure this basic human right is afforded to all working people in Maryland.
“The Harford County Public Library system staff love the library and want to see it thrive. But for years, it’s been an uphill battle as administrators and the Library Board of Trustees continue to slash services and put workers in impossible situations,” said IAM Grand Lodge Representative Bridget Fitzgerald. “The passage of Maryland House Bill 1225 is the first step on a path that will give these employees a voice and an opportunity to be part of the library system’s decision-making process and help bring the library system back to the gem it once was. This bill will not only take care of the working-class heroes who take care of residents throughout the county, but it could save an institution that many say is the best service their tax money provides.”
“Libraries are the keepers of the history of our communities. They are a gateway to knowledge and culture,” said IAM Organizing Director Vinny Addeo. “That’s why it is so important to make sure the voice of the library staff is heard. HB 1225 introduced by Maryland State Delegate Steven Johnson will make that a reality, giving these information gatekeepers what they need to decide if joining a union is right for themselves and their families.”
A group of nearly 460 Baltimore County Public Library (BCPL) full and part-time employees across the county’s 19 branches recently voted in favor of joining the IAM and is currently in negotiations with BCPL management. County statute stipulates that negotiations must conclude by March 1, 2022.
Baltimore County Public Library Employees Vote Overwhelmingly to Join Machinists Union
Maryland Law Giving Baltimore County Public Library Employees the Right to Collectively Bargain and Join the Machinists Union Goes Into Effect July 1st
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Feb 24, 2022 | iMail
WASHINGTON, Feb. 24, 2022 –More than 200 mechanics and related who work in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, at Lufthansa Technik, Puerto Rico, LLC. were granted the right to participate in an election to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), the largest airline and transportation union in North America.
The National Mediation Board (NMB) ruling determined that the IAM had sufficient showing of interest to proceed to a mail-ballot election. The decision comes months after aggressive tactics and appeals to stop Lufthansa Technik workers’ right to join the IAM. Last year, Lufthansa mechanics and related sought IAM representation due to various workplace issues, including reduced work hours, irregular work rules, and inadequate wages and benefits.
The NMB will mail out the Notice and Sample Ballots in English and Spanish on March 3, 2022. The Ballots will be mailed to the employees on March 10, 2022. The election voting period will be from 12:01 a.m. ET, March 10, 2022, through May 5, 2022. The final tally will be at the Board’s offices on May 5, 2022, at 2 p.m. ET.
“The highly skilled aircraft mechanics and related at Lufthansa Technik have faced a lot of challenges during the past two years, including terminations and reduced working hours by Lufthansa at the height of the pandemic,” said Juan Negron, Special Assistant to the International President of the IAM. “The workers in Aguadilla help maintain some of the biggest airline carriers globally, and it makes sense to become part of the largest airline union in North America. We will utilize the IAM’s full resources to ensure the workers at Lufthansa get what they deserve with a voice in the workplace and respect and dignity on the shop floor.”
Lufthansa Technik mechanics and related provided service for United Airlines, Allegiant, Spirit, Avianca, and until recently, JetBlue.
The IAM recently wrote a letter to the U.S. Transportation Department Inspector General calling for an investigation into possible misuse of CARES Act funds by Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico, LLC. The IAM wrote the letter on behalf of more than 200 mechanics and related who work in Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, at Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico, LLC.
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is among the largest industrial trade unions in North America and represents nearly 600,000 active and retired members in the manufacturing, aerospace, defense, airline, railroad, transportation, shipbuilding, woodworking, health care, and other industries.
goIAM.org | @MachinistsUnion
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Feb 24, 2022 | iMail
WASHINGTON, 24 de febrero de 2022– A más de 200 mecanics y relacionados que trabajan en Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, en Lufthansa Technik, Puerto Rico, LLC. se les otorgó el derecho a participar en una elección para unirse a la Asociación Internacional de Maquinistas y Trabajadores Aeroespaciales (IAM), la unión de aerolíneas y transporte más grande de Norte America.
La decisión de la Junta Nacional de Mediación (NMB, por sus siglas en inglés) determinó que la IAM tenía suficientes muestras de interés para proceder a una elección por correo. La decisión se produce meses después de tácticas agresivas y peticiones para detener el derecho de los trabajadores de Lufthansa Technik a unirse a la IAM. El año pasado, los mecánicos y afines de Lufthansa buscaron la representación de IAM debido a varios problemas en el lugar de trabajo, que incluyen horas de trabajo reducidas, reglas de trabajo irregulares y salarios y beneficios inadecuados.
La NMB enviará por correo el Aviso y las Boletas de Ejemplo en inglés y español el 3 de marzo de 2022. Las Boletas se enviarán por correo a los empleados el 10 de marzo de 2022. El período de votación de la elección será a partir de las 12:01 a.m. EST, del 10 de marzo de 2022, hasta el 5 de mayo de 2022. El conteo final será en las oficinas de la Junta el 5 de mayo de 2022 a las 2 pm EST.
“Los mecánicos de aeronaves y afines altamente calificados de Lufthansa Technik se han enfrentado a muchos desafíos durante los últimos dos años, incluidos despidos y la reducción de las horas de trabajo de Lufthansa en apogeo de la pandemia,” dijo Juan Negron, asistente especial del presidente internacional de la IAM. “Los trabajadores de Aguadilla ayudan a mantener algunas de las aerolíneas más grandes del mundo, y tiene sentido formar parte de la unión de aerolíneas más grande de América del Norte. Utilizaremos todos los recursos de la IAM para garantizar que los trabajadores de Lufthansa obtengan lo que se merecen con una voz en el lugar de trabajo y respeto y dignidad en la planta.”
Mecánicos de Lufthansa Technik y afines proveen servicios para United Airlines, Allegiant, Spirit, Avianca y, hasta hace poco, JetBlue.
La IAM recientemente escribió una carta al Inspector General del Departamento de Transporte de los EE. UU., solicitando una investigación sobre el posible uso indebido de los fondos de la Ley CARES por parte de Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico, LLC. La IAM escribió la carta en nombre de más de 200 mecanics y relacionados que trabajan en Aguadilla, Puerto Rico, en Lufthansa Technik Puerto Rico, LLC.
La Asociación Internacional de Maquinistas y Trabajadores Aeroespaciales (IAM) se encuentra entre las uniones industriales más grandes de América del Norte y representa a casi 600,000 miembros activos y jubilados en los sectores de fabricación, aeroespacial, defensa, líneas aéreas, ferrocarriles, transporte, construcción naval, carpintería, atención de la salud, y otras industrias.
goIAM.org | @MachinistsUnion
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Feb 24, 2022 | iMail
This year, for Black History Month, the IAM is highlighting some of our current history makers within the organization. All this month, we will be running stories on current Black activists in the IAM.
Lisa G. Foust joined the National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE-IAM Federal District 1) 22 years ago. She was the first Black woman to serve as a NFFE-IAM National Vice President.
“Lisa earned her spot on NFFE’s National Executive Council by doing great work as the president of NFFE-IAM Local 178, increasing her skills by taking classes at the Winpisinger Center, and building her reputation over time with local and national leaders within the union,” said NFFE-IAM National President Randy Erwin. “Once she made it her goal, there was no doubt in my mind that Lisa was going to reach NFFE’s National Executive Council. Now she is there, and she is doing great work for NFFE-IAM members in that role.”
Foust has held many positions at NFFE-IAM Local 178, including President, Recording Secretary and Local Delegate. She also serves as the Secretary-Treasurer of the Maryland-District of Columbia State Council of Machinists.
“Lisa is as committed as anyone you could find in making sure that everyone in the union has their voice heard, is included, and is respected,” said Erwin.
“The reason I joined the union is I was invited to a union meeting by someone I held in high regards,” said Foust. “Shortly after that meeting, she invited me to an organizing event and I joined.”
Foust admits facing struggles trying to advance, like having her voice heard as a Black woman, saying it has always been a struggle and it remains true today.
She is thankful for any union Brothers and Sisters for their help along the way, but two stand out to her. She remembers meeting now-retired IAM Government Employees Director Frank Carelli on a NFFE-IAM Local 178 organizing campaign. After she joined, he encouraged her to take classes at the Winpisinger Center and learn more about unionism and the IAM. She also gives credit to the IAM’s Lonnie Vick for helping her put things into perspective and pushing her to understand the IAM Constitution.
Foust advice for Black members starting out in the union is to know their value and what they bring to the table.
“Don’t allow yourself to be marginalized,” said Foust. “If the door is locked, don’t quit, take matters into your own hands.”
Foust emphasizes the value of education, which she believes “must precede any great fundamental change in society.” She also emphasizes the importance of rising above politics and speaking the truth to be unshakable in the fight for workers’ rights.
Foust admires Lucy Parson, saying, “Lucy’s activism challenged the racist and sexist sentiment in a time when Americans believed that a women’s place was in the home.”
“Anything can be accomplished if you do not waver or become disenfranchised,” said Foust. “Surround yourself with like-minded, forward-thinking people, and give grace to peoples’ shortcomings.”
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Feb 24, 2022 | iMail
The 2022 IAM Grand Lodge Convention website is now live with the aim of keeping members and delegates informed throughout the convention year. As preparations continue and October approaches, the website will be the central hub for the latest convention-related information. Check back often for new updates.
Visit the IAM Grand Lodge Convention website.
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Feb 24, 2022 | iMail
IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. has announced the appointment of Julie Frietchen, formerly an Education Representative at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center, as the IAM’s new Women’s and Human Rights Director. The appointment is effective March 1, 2022.
Frietchen, a more than 30-year IAM member, has served as an instructor at the Winpisinger Center since 2009. She began her career as a Continental Airlines Flight Attendant in Cleveland.
Women’s initiatives are growing to new heights in the IAM, thanks to a new program known as the Leadership Assembly of Dedicated Sisters (LEADS). The LEADS program, initiated by the IAM Executive Council, the Women’s and Human Rights Department, and the Winpisinger Center, is training women from every IAM Territory to take leadership roles in Districts and Locals.
“Julie is ready to take on the vitally important role of continuing to grow opportunities for IAM Sisters and strengthening our commitment to fighting for human rights,” said Martinez. “She has served as a mentor to so many members, especially IAM women, during her career at the Winpisinger Center. I look forward to Julie continuing the great progress we’ve made for our Sisters.”
During her time in IAM Local 2339, Frietchen served as Cleveland Base Chairperson, Vice President, President and Transportation Organizer. She also served on several committees, including the Women’s Committee and the Legislative Committee. In 2000, she became a General Chairperson for IAM District 142 and has extensive experience in contract negotiations and administration.
Frietchen holds a bachelor’s degree in labor studies from the National Labor College and a master’s degree in work and labor policy with an advanced certificate in women’s and gender studies from SUNY Empire State College.
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Feb 24, 2022 | iMail
This year, for Black History Month, the IAM is highlighting some of our current history makers within the organization. All this month, we will be running stories on current Black activists in the IAM.
Katrina Coleman started her union journey when she was hired as a clerk for Amtrak in Philadelphia in 1986. In 2014, she was elected to serve as Local Chairperson of Transportation Communications Union (TCU/IAM) Local 1351, a role she maintains today. She was also appointed to serve as an Assistant National Representative for TCU/IAM Unit 86 in 2016.
Coleman works in a male-dominated industry and has experienced many obstacles along her journey.
“I have found it hard to be respected and treated in the same manner as my male counterparts,” said Coleman. “I was fortunate to have a mentor who fostered my growth and development in the labor movement.”
Coleman credits retired TCU/IAM Assistant Legislative Director Mark Taylor for helping her remain focused and remembering why she was there—“to serve our members.” She was proud to see another Black member in a leadership role, and it made her “proud to be a union leader.”
“Katrina is the embodiment of what a TCU/IAM representative—of what any union representative—should be,” says TCU/IAM National President Arthur Maratea. “She is deeply invested in the wellbeing of our members, evident by the tireless work she does on their behalf every day. The heartbeat of our membership runs through her. She has the respect of leaders within our organization, as well as across the table. I am proud to have Katrina as a part of my team.”
Her hopes and dreams for herself are to one day sit on the stage as a National Officer.
“I want to have a real seat at the table to be an example and inspiration to all people of color that there is no glass ceiling,” said Coleman. “That Black workers throughout North America one day will not have to fight for diversity and inclusion. The wisdom, experience and insights we have should be welcomed on every team.”
Coleman says she is empowered by civil rights activist Al Sharpton’s fight for racial justice for all. She also admires the women of the WNBA, who are more recent champions of justice.
“They did what I strive for daily, to choose courage over comfort and stand up for social change,” said Coleman.
Coleman’s advice for other union members is “get involved, speak up, and ask questions” and to learn more about their role in the labor movement and understand what it means to be a union member.
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Feb 22, 2022 | iMail
More than 400 Machinists Union Local 388 and Machinists Union Local 1191 (District 6) members who work at Eaton Mission Systems Division of Davenport are on strike for retirement security and fair health care benefits and wages. The strike began at 12:01 a.m. on Friday, Feb. 18. Members are currently on the picket line.
Machinists Union members at Eaton Mission Systems Division of Davenport voted almost unanimously to strike after management made a contract offer with sub-standard wages, reduced health care benefits and decreased 401(k) retirement matching contributions.
READ: Strike of Iowa aerospace defense supplier will last at least through the week, union says Des Moines Register
“We refuse to accept sub-standard wages or the erosion of our health care and retirement benefits,” said IAM District 6 Directing Business Representative John Herrig. “IAM Local 388 and IAM Local 1191 members are fighting for a contract that will make life better for themselves and their families. The past two years have been tough during the pandemic, especially as essential manufacturing workers. All we are asking for is a fair share produced from the blood, sweat and tears of work that makes Eaton Mission Systems Division of Davenport successful. We hope that the company will hear our call for respect and dignity from the picket line.”
“IAM members at Local 388 and Local 1191 deserve a contract that improves their lives and not one that makes it worse,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “The IAM will utilize all of our resources to ensure our members at Eaton Mission Systems Division of Davenport receive a contract that is worthy of their hard work and allows them at the end of each workday to hold their heads up high.”
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Feb 22, 2022 | iMail
Approximately 5,000 members of IAM District 776 in Fort Worth, TX opened contract negotiations on Tuesday with Lockheed Martin. The IAM negotiating team vowed to pursue a fair and equitable contract that treats the highly-skilled and dedicated members with the respect they have earned.
The IAM District 776 negotiating committee will meet with the company over the coming weeks. The current contract is set to expire on Sunday, April 24, 2022.
IAM members at the facility build the F-35, the world’s most advanced multi-role fighter. Negotiations are pivotal not only for IAM District 776 families, but for the Dallas-Fort Worth community, the state of Texas and the aerospace industry. The F-35 supply chain supports over 254,000 jobs with 1,800 suppliers spanning 48 states and Puerto Rico.
“IAM members demand and have earned their fair share of the success they have created for Lockheed Martin,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr., who began his IAM career at the Fort Worth facility. “Our members have worked through a pandemic. They are the single greatest reason for this company’s success. Now, it’s time to work together to make a fair and equitable contract happen for our membership.”
The IAM District 776 negotiating committee has been preparing for contract talks for more than six months, including a preparation session at the IAM’s Winpisinger Center, which included trainings on contract language, strategic planning, contract costing and a negotiation simulation.
“We are ready to negotiate a fair contract, and we won’t settle for anything less,” said IAM District 776 President and Directing Business Representative Paul Black. “Our membership is mobilized and ready to do what it takes to preserve and grow good jobs for our families and our communities.”
Last year, a group of about 200 District 776 shop stewards at the facility took part in a day-long program in preparation for the upcoming contract negotiations.
READ: Here’s why Lockheed’s F-35 program remains vital to U.S. security, Fort Worth economy Fort Worth Star-Telegram
”Our skilled membership dedicates decades of their lives to making this company successful,” said IAM Aerospace General Vice President Mark Blondin. “We will do everything in our power to ensure the company does its part to ensure a stable retirement for all of our members, including adequately funding its 401(k) program.”
READ: Machinists Union advocacy grows bipartisan support for F-35 program goIAM
“Our District 776 members at Lockheed Martin are rightfully proud of the work they do,” said IAM Southern Territory General Vice President Rickey Wallace. “Many of our members are U.S. military veterans who have transitioned into a different way to support their country. They deserve a fair amount of the profit they have created.”
READ: Our national security depends on a strong F-35 program built by American workers The Hill
“This committee is ready and prepared to negotiate a strong contract,” said IAM Aerospace Chief of Staff Jody Bennett. “The full resources of the IAM and our allies are being deployed to ensure that these families and their communities are represented and heard at the bargaining table.”
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Feb 22, 2022 | iMail
This year, for Black History Month, the IAM is highlighting some of our current history makers within the organization. All this month, we will be running stories on current Black activists in the IAM.
Teri McClendon started her career path as a Machinist at the Boeing Plant in Portland, OR in the late 1970’s performing a non-traditional job working in the paint room. She was the second African-American female to work there.
McClendon faced many obstacles early on in her career being a young Black female in a male-dominated industry. In one instance, a Chief Shop Steward would not support or converse with her. A fellow union Brother found out about the situation and guided her in the right direction. This Brother became her mentor and encouraged her to become more active in the union by attending meetings and participating in functions. This led to McClendon becoming a board member at her District Lodge.
McClendon believes her willingness to volunteer to do things that nobody wanted to do helped her become successful in overcoming some of these obstacles. In the process, she discovered there were more people that supported her efforts. It motivated her to keep moving forward.
McClendon volunteered to become a safety monitor where she currently worked and her mentor, who happened to be part of the Joint Labor/Management Safety Committee at the Boeing facility, pushed her to become more involved. McClendon became part of various committees, including the Joint Safety Committee, which allowed her to attend the IAM Safety and Health Conference at the William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center. It opened opportunities for her to acquire the knowledge and provide the training she continues to teach today.
“Sister McClendon is an asset to the Safety and Health Department and IAM CREST,” said Michael Oathout, IAM Safety and Health Director. “Teri has the ability to connect with union Brothers and Sisters during safety trainings by sharing her expertise and experience of working in the craft. I’m proud to have her on my team and I learn from her every time we are collaborating on a project.”
McClendon has seen changes and more opportunities for women and men of color since she began her career. Although it may be a challenge to find a mentor, technological advances and resources provide members with more avenues to make it possible to advance, said McClendon.
“If you have the passion and understand the commitment to be a part of the movement, there are things you can do to endorse yourself such as showing initiative and staying engaged,” said McClendon. “In other words, understand your value and what you can contribute.”
McClendon says she admires “all the Black women who continue to make their voices heard by exercising their right to vote. All women together can accomplish the impossible.”
According to McClendon, she has met some of the most incredible people since she has been part of this union.
“Just being around them gives you a sense of pride that we can change the world,” said McClendon.
“It is so important to continue finding ways to encourage younger folks to become part of the struggle,” said McClendon. “As well as, the importance for members to learn why African Americans are celebrated and honored for their many contributions and sacrifices that have helped shape this nation. It depends on us all to fight against the craziness in our society today It’s wonderful to look at things with a fresh perspective; however I truly believe if you don’t look at what has happened in the past, we will never correct the future.”
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