Jun 24, 2020 | Local S6 Leadership Alerts, Negotiations
Local S6 would like to extend a huge thank you to all the supporters, both members and nonmembers alike. We are extremely grateful to our supporters from Maine delegations that have shown up in support of Local S6, as well as all the local businesses that have made donations in support. We know this is an extremely difficult time for the City of Bath, specifically for the residents and small businesses. The economic impact of our strike is shared by our members and local business alike.
BIW’s position is incredibly invasive to the job security and future of the shipyard. Unfortunately, our membership has voted to strike due to BIW’s consistent desire to have the ability to subcontract our jobs to out of state workers for any reason, as well as erode our seniority; the foundation of our Union. Local S6 has kept BIW thriving for generations, protecting and allowing our members to raise their families and support local businesses. BIW could not have sustained the legacy of shipbuilding without all of us.
Our knowledge and deep skill base are what we at Local S6 are trying to protect. If we don’t stand up and fight for what we know is right, the temporary impact to the City of Bath and surrounding communities could be permanent if the decisions being made by BIW go unchecked. We need BIW to remain viable for all of our futures. All we are asking is for a fair contract and keeping Maine jobs in Maine to continue to support our communities.
Do not be lured into the negativity of the false narrative that we are greedy shipbuilders with a list of unreasonable demands. That information misrepresents Local S6 and the thousands of our members who spend their hard-earned money supporting local and statewide businesses, aiding to keep Maines economy alive. Again, thank you for all those who are supporting us and all that will continue to do so.
We must not waiver and we must stand united; solidarity is and will always be the most effective way to stand against corporate greed.
“Our labor unions are not narrow, self-seeking groups. They have raised wages, shortened hours and provided supplemental benefits. Through collective bargaining and grievance procedures, they have brought justice and democracy to the shop floor.”
~~~ John F. Kennedy
Jun 21, 2020 | Local S6 Leadership Alerts, Negotiations
We aim to communicate a positive message and a positive image of Local S6. Certain conduct, described below, works against our goal of a positive strike, can have serious financial consequences, and will not be tolerated. Picketers must comply with the following instructions:
1. There will be a designated Union staff member in charge of the picket line. You are to follow his/her instructions at all times.
2. Before picketing, check the entrances of the picket site for a strike captain. Unless directed by the designated strike captain, you may picket only at the gate that identifies the contractor you are picketing.
3. If a separate gate or a new entrance is established after you start picketing, notify the designated Strike captain immediately.
4. Do not, in any way, obstruct entrances or exits of the premises. Do not interfere with, or swarm, persons or vehicles entering or leaving the job.
5. Hold no conversations with any truck drivers or other persons who attempt to make deliveries to projects or remove material from projects.
6. Do not, in any way, encourage or induce people to leave the project or to quit work on the project.
7. The precise number of pickets allowable will depend on the size of the area to patrol. Keep the size reasonable. Gathering/swarming in large intimidating groups can lead to limits on the number of pickets and/or monetary damages.
8. You are only to carry the picket sign provided by Local S6. Do not bring your own picket sign nor alter in any fashion the one provided.
9. If you leave the designated picket area, leave your picket sign behind, cover it, or return it to the union hall.
10. Picketing is confined to public areas surrounding the employer’s premises, at the designated picketing areas. As a general rule, there should be no picketing on private property or in the streets. The picket sign should never go near a gate reserved for other contractors.
11. Conduct picketing only where you have been directed by the designated strike captain.
12. Be enthusiastic in your support of the strike. Chanting and yelling is ok, so long as your chants and yells do not contain threats, slurs, or other forms of harassment based on ethnic or national origin, color, race, religion, gender/sex, sexual orientation, etc.
13. Bells and whistles are encouraged. Do not use any drums or sound amplification devices as they are prohibited unless specifically authorized by Local S6.
14. With regard to chants about the strike, the following is approved: “Local S6 on strike, BIW unfair.” No other details should be given. Questions or requests for more specific information should be referred to the designated Union representative. Unauthorized, stray remarks can be very costly. Please direct them to the communicator Tim Suitter. Or President Chris Wiers.
15. Do not record any automobile or truck license or any other identifying information with regard to those who enter or leave the premises.
16. Do not engage in arguments. Avoid confrontations. Do not make physical contact with anyone under any circumstances. Do not throw anything at the picket site.
17. Do not behave in an intimidating manner. This includes, but is not limited to, carrying picket signs in a threatening manner, displaying weapons, following individuals to and from the picket site, making comments/references about individuals’ families, and making such comments as “we know who you are”, “we know where you live”, “accidents happen on job sites”, and “we will remember you”, etc.
18. Do not photograph or videotape people entering or leaving the premises. Do not bring cameras or recording devices to the picket line.
19. Alcohol, drugs, and weapons of any kind are prohibited on the picket line. Do not come to the picket line under the influence of alcohol or drugs.
20. Do not litter. Maintain a clean picket area. Do not scatter nails or tacks, or other material around the picket area.
21. Do not tamper with private property in or around the picket area.
22. Do not engage in unnecessary conversation with anyone other than pickets. Refer all questions to the designated Union representative.
23. In the event, you are approached by law enforcement, be cooperative, and refer them to the designated Union representative.
24. If in doubt about any of the above, contact the designated strike captain.
Be proud of what you are doing!
Stay Strong!
You are fighting for YOUR FUTURE!
Jun 19, 2020 | Local S6 Leadership Alerts, Negotiations
Brothers and Sisters,
Please find the below Local S6 Strike Information:
Anyone planning to picket in the Main Yard must report to the Local S6 Union Hall; 722 Washington Street, Bath, ME, 04530.
- You must sign in and sign out using the available sign in sheets.
- There is a four-hour minimum for picketing a week, 24/7.
- You will be assigned a designated area and the name of a strike captain to report to.
- The Strike captains will be wearing neon-lime green baseball hats.
- For all off-site facilities, please report to the Harding’s gate.
- The same rules apply as in the main yard- there is a four-hour minimum for picketing a week, 24/7.
- If you do not sign in/out or picket, you will be ineligible for strike benefits.
- Strike benefits are $150 per week.
Please contact the Union Hall: 207-442-2063, with any questions.
In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Strike Action Committee.