Brothers and Sisters,

Apparently, the Company hasn’t recovered from their concussion and decided to take a stab at Article 18, Compensated Time Off.

The trauma inflicted was FAR MORE SEVERE than first assessed. 

Below is what they want:

 C70, S18, Y02, and H18 all will fall under these provisions applicable to Compensated Time Off. 

 1) Use any of your CTO up to 80 HRS at your discretion.

2) Any CTO used in excess of 80 HRS must be scheduled and approved in advance through an annual schedule in January. 

3) All CTO requests will be on a seniority basis.

4) CTO in excess of 80 HRS that was not requested and/or granted in the annual scheduling process may be taken at the Company’s discretion.

So, remember, if you’re a new mechanic in theses Departments with 80 HRS of CTO or less you have full discretion to leave when you want.

Article 44, Manning/Demanning

The Company wants to assign between any facility. Consideration will still be given to volunteers. Employees with a seniority date prior to January 1st, 2016 will be grandfathered at the facility you are currently assigned. So even if your name is on the volunteer list to go to another facility the Company doesn’t have to go to the volunteer list. They want the ability to temporarily assign anyone they want wherever they want.

In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee