Brothers and Sisters,

Please find below “Highlights” from the Negotiating Committee on proposals that have been presented to the Company.

  • Addressing merit raises
  • Addressing hiring issues
  • Reestablishing recognition programs
  • Recognizing three additional Union committees- Womens, Veterans, and Education
  • Separating classifications back to how it was prior to 2015
    • I02, P16, S14, M06, M08, M10, M12, M14, etc
  • Eliminating all 22 versatility tasks
  • Eliminating short term loans
  • Double time on holidays
  • Double time after 12 consecutive hours
  • 10 Holidays
  • Christmas shutdown regular workweek with the option of code 14s
  • Vacation usage without restriction
  • Proposed a significant general wage increase for all Local S6 employees.
  • Proposed 3-year contract
  • Proposed significant ratification bonus (in addition to general wage increases)
  • Raises for M03s
  • Pension increase of 10 cents per year
  • Return to a two-step grievance procedure
  • Additional, two hours of pay per week for delayed grievance payouts
  • Increased personal business time
  • All discipline goes away with a new contract
  • Excluding Marijuana for under the influence in Article 50 (discipline)
  • New severance package/article proposed

All these updates that have been written and will continue to be written are by the committee and posted on our LS6 Facebook page. We appreciate all the members sharing and supporting us. More updates will come tomorrow….

In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee