Friday, May 15th, 2020

Brothers and Sisters,

Local Lodge S6 has been exploring various options regarding the upcoming expiration of our collective bargaining agreement since COVID-19 entered our lives. As the Governor of Maine issued and extended the state of civil emergency along with other executive orders which effect gatherings of more than 50 people and with CDC guidelines of social distancing.

It has become apparent that holding our Contract Ratification vote at the Augusta Civic Center or anywhere else is just not an option. The best option presented to us has been Ballotpoint; an online or by phone electronic voting system used by Unions, Associations, and Government agencies for contract ratification votes, elections, and Convention voting. Ballotpoint has 20+ years of experience and is used by Unions across the country. This is a Union company that performs votes like this all the time including a 17,000-bargaining unit in the airline industry.

-We need your correct address at the Union Hall (ASAP). We will have information being sent to your home by USPS mail for voting instructions and access code for casting your vote. (please make sure you have the correct address on file at the Union Hall 207-442-2063).

 -We need addresses updated no later than 5/21 in order for you to receive your voter information package without delay.

 -In the coming weeks look for mail coming from Ballotpoint/LOCAL S6.

-Contract Negotiations start on Tuesday 5/26.

-Negotiations will wrap up.

 -You will get a contract in hand.

-We will have a platform to read all changes and answer questions before voting opens.

-The Contract ratification vote will OPEN at 12:01 AM on 6/19 and CLOSE on 6/21 at 12/noon.

-Voting can be done by phone or online.

-50 percent of the membership plus 1 yes vote is needed for acceptance and ratification of the contract.

-Failure to obtain a vote to authorize a strike will result in acceptance and ratification of the contract.


 Watch for mail, Check the Union boards throughout the shipyard facilities, Local S6 on Facebook, and iams6.org.