Brothers and Sisters,
Being the last week before the vote this weekend the Union will not be picketing the gates or holding strike signs. Security and the fencing around GDBIW will soon be removed as well. All offsite facilities are officially closed to picketing.
The Union is allowing everyone to come to the Union Hall for questions and answers on the upcoming vote. In keeping with this update, the Union is adjusting its hours for the membership. The adjusted hours will be:
4:00 AM to 9:00 PM, Monday through Friday
6:00 AM to 5:00 PM Saturday
6:00 AM to 12:00 Noon Sunday
Whereas we are not picketing, we will not be running 24/7. You are still required to sign in but only have to be here for two (2) hours. We will still be issuing all members who come down and sign in their full strike check benefit. We also will be serving food throughout the day.
To be clear, there is NO PICKETING at any GDBIW facilities and there will be NO strike signs. Instead, come to the Union Hall and sign in as you normally have been, stay for two (2) hours, and you will still get your strike benefits check. We are continuing to build solidarity, and this is why we are taking this approach. We encourage our members to come to ask questions and get accurate answers, not opinions or misinterpretations.
Normally, the way we used to vote gave the membership the opportunity to ask questions. We are providing this opportunity to all members for the remainder of the week at the Union Hall.
The upcoming vote is this weekend from Friday, 12:01 AM, 8/21/20 through Sunday, Noon, 8/23/20.
Lastly, The Union is having a Solidarity event this Saturday, August 22nd, here at the Union Hall starting at 5 PM. The IAM President Robert Martinez will be in attendance, along with several State and Federal Legislators.
In Solidarity,
Local S6 Leadership