Brothers and Sisters,

This is a friendly update to some of our senior members. We currently have roughly 1269 members who would be eligible to apply for your Union Pension without a reduction in benefits prior to December of 2021. Many of our members would probably prefer to work to full retirement in lieu of leaving before 2021. As we are halfway through negotiations, your elected negotiating committee believes that each member of this group should reassess their future plans to make an informed decision that best suits you and your family. 7 out of 8 members of this committee happen to fall into this category. We all have a new perspective on our future. The Company will not survive with their plans for the future. We have continued to fail as a Shipyard as a result of decisions made by disconnected engineers. We do not want members to plan for a future at BIW that will not exist. If this group waits beyond 2021 and something happens at BIW prior to their full retirement age they will take a significant financial loss. All 8 committee members are concerned with BIWs future. Fortunately, 7 of us can reassess and make an informed decision prior to 2021. We will all certainly do that based on what the Company has proposed. Please take the opportunity to reassess your future. We suggest that you complete your retirement paperwork to assure you are protected. Remember, if something changes after your paperwork has been submitted you can withdraw that paperwork up until your actual retirement date. Don’t allow managements horrendous decisions to financially impact you and your family.

In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee

Chris Wiers              Rock Grenier           Ray Gauthier              Rob Jacobs

Bill Barrows              Marc Bubar             Andy James                 Doug Hall