Brothers and Sisters, I want you to know these very important negotiations for you, are front and center for our entire union.

Please know that you have the solidarity of myself, the entire IAM Executive Council and 600,000 Fighting Machinists from across North America.

I want to especially thank your IAM Local S6 Negotiating Committee, District 4 and Eastern Territory staff for all of the hard work you have done and will continue to do during these negotiations.

You have my commitment that the full resources at every level of our union will be available to you in order to get the best possible contract for our membership.

In these extraordinary times, it is imperative that we stay united.

Now more than ever, our solidarity is our greatest strength.

This union has persevered and emerged stronger through wars, depressions and pandemics because we have spoken with one voice.

You are the best in the world as your craft—building of state-of-the-art ships for our men and women in the US Navy.

Each and every day, you are living proof of your motto—“Bath built – best built.”

Together, we will emerge from these negotiations stronger and more resilient in our fight for your seniority rights, and economic and job security for all our members

God bless and God speed, Brothers and Sisters.