Oct 26, 2023 | Local S6 Elections, Local S6 Upcoming Events
Brothers and Sisters,
Due to today’s recent tragic events, we are postponing todays 2nd Shift Shop Steward Election.
We will post updates on when we plan to run the election in the near future. Stay safe.
In Solidarity,
Local S6 Leadership
Oct 20, 2023 | Local S6 Elections
Brothers and Sisters,
Please find the below election results for the recent 2nd Shift Shop Steward Election.
CLICK HERE: Election Results Main M04 O04 2nd Shift 10_20_23: CLICK HERE
In Solidarity,
Local S6 Leadership
Oct 19, 2023 | Local S6 Elections, Local S6 Leadership Alerts
Brothers and Sisters,
Please find the below election results for the recent 2nd Shift Shop Steward Election.
CLICK HERE: Election Results E02 2nd Shift 10_19_23: CLICK HERE
In Solidarity,
Local S6 Leadership
Oct 5, 2023 | Local S6 Elections
Brothers and Sisters,
Please find the below posting regarding the upcoming Shop Steward Elections.
CLICK HERE: 2nd Shift Shop Steward Elections : CLICK HERE
In Solidarity,
Local S6 Leadership
Sep 22, 2023 | Local S6 Elections
Updated Local S6 ByLaws Below:
LS6 Bylaws 2023
Sep 19, 2023 | Local S6 Elections, Local S6 Leadership Alerts, Local S6 Upcoming Events
Brothers and Sisters,
We have three open steward positions. Please find the related information/postings below:
(1) 2nd SHIFT Bath/EBMF E02
(1) 2nd SHIFT Bath/EBMF W12, S40, L40
(1) 2nd SHIFT Maintenance, M04, O04
Shop Steward nominations for the above classification(s), shift, and facility are now open. Petitions may be picked up beginning on Tuesday, September 19, 2023, at the Local S6 Union Hall. You must be a member in good standing for one (1) year to run for Shop Steward and the petition must be signed by ten percent (10%) of the members in the classification(s) affected.
All petitions must be returned to the Recording Secretary (Ryan Ryder) no later than 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 3, 2023.
In Solidarity,
Local S6 Leadership