IAM Lodges Encouraged to Help Out in Community for Maria Santiago Lillis Advocacy Day

The late IAM Western Territory Grand Lodge Representative Maria Santiago Lillis was a tireless mentor and fierce advocate for workers’ rights, human rights, and social justice, tackling the most contentious issues with grace while treating everyone with dignity and respect.

In order to continue her mentorship and legacy and to encourage all representatives to emulate the extraordinary qualities she exhibited as an IAM representative, the IAM Executive Council has instituted the “Maria Santiago Lillis Advocacy Day – A Commitment to Serve (ACTS).” ACTS takes place each year on August 10, which was Sister Lillis’ birthday. Each year on this day, we will engage in activities to strengthen our commitment to serve and to learn from Representatives who mirror Sister Lillis’ dedication, advocacy, compassion, and fairness. 

WATCH: Maria Santiago Lillis Advocacy Day

This year on August 10, we will honor Maria’s commitment to serving by implementing a Day of Action and Community Service. The goal on this day is for IAM lodges to take action in their communities through service.

Many local lodge women and human rights committees are very involved in community service. Some examples include:

  • Adopting a park or beach to clean and beautify
  • Volunteering at veterans’ homes
  • Having a school supply drive to donate backpacks and school supplies for local school children
  • Donating toys to local children’s hospitals
  • Donating needed supplies for women’s shelters
  • Donations to local food banks
  • Volunteering for Habitat for Humanity
  • Setting up an event to raise money for the IAM’s own Guide Dogs of America/Tender Loving Canines.

Pick a service and act of kindness that would best suit your community and take action!  After your local Day of Action, make sure to share your stories and pictures with IAM Women’s and Human Rights Director Julie Frietchen at jfrietchen@iamaw.org. We want to share your community day of action with all of our union family. Let’s make this a memorable event to honor a memorable IAM Sister.

“Everyone knew that Maria was a champion of justice and fair play – all you had to do was talk to her for a few minutes, and you felt her love and support,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “Her mentoring never stopped. She touched so many, and we will always keep her memory alive through a call to service.” 

READ: In Maria’s Honor

“The goal of this day will be to highlight the qualities that made Sister Lillis an outstanding advocate for working families and her commitment to serve,” said IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. “Her work has left an indelible mark on the labor movement, and we need to carry her torch with the same compassion and dedication in her name.”

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IAM District 837 Kicks Off Critical Negotiations with Boeing Defense in St. Louis

IAM District 837 Kicks Off Critical Negotiations with Boeing Defense in St. Louis

Approximately 2,500 members of IAM District 837 opened contract negotiations on July 6, 2022, with Boeing Defense. IAM members are spread throughout Boeing facilities in St. Charles, MO, St. Louis, and Mascoutah, IL.

These highly skilled members fabricate, assemble and build some of the world’s most advanced military and passenger aircraft and missiles.

The negotiating team will be discussing wages, healthcare, retirement, job, and income security. During the COVID-19 pandemic, these workers were declared essential and did their part to protect this country.

“Our goal is to emerge from these talks with a contract that is both fair and equitable,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “Our members were declared essential early on and expected to show up to work each day and they did. They were considered essential so we expect to see some essential treatment reflected in this contract.”

A priority for this group will being strengthening the 401(k) and eliminating a two-tier wage system.

“The inequities created by the two-tier wage system is not a real investment in Boeing workers,” said Galloway. “It is a de-valuing of American industrial jobs.”

“We need a lot more than what the company is giving right now to secure retirement,” said IAM Aerospace General Vice President Mark Blondin. “A strong 401(k) contribution by the company will help secure workers for decades, creating a long-standing and stable workforce.”

“I am proud of the hard work from the negotiating team leading up to these negotiations and confident we will bring a strong contract home to the membership,” said Tom Boelling, District 837 President and Directing Business Representative.

Negotiations are expected to run from July 6-15, 2022. A vote is scheduled for Sunday, July 24, 2022, the day the current contract is set to expire.

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Alabama Local 2003 Hosts Political Forum

Alabama Local 2003 Hosts Political Forum

The IAM Local 2003 Legislative Committee hosted their first Alabama Primary Stakes at the Gate and second overall installment of this event recently. This particular event heard from candidates for local races such as Sheriff and Mayoral, State Senate and Secretary of State candidates, as well as candidates running for US House and Senate seats.

Each candidate was given an allotted time to speak on their platform to allow the audience the chance to hear their values directly, followed by questions from the members of Local Lodge 2003 and the community.

“What a great forum for our members and the community,” said Southern Territory General Vice President Rickey Wallace. “Engaging with our elected officials at all levels is one of the most important things we do. Grassroots efforts like this are the bedrock foundation for progressing legislative efforts.”

“The 2022 Stakes at the Gate was a great opportunity for our Local Lodge and community to hear from, speak to, and hold accountable Local, State and National candidates,” said Local 2003 President Shane Davis. “Stakes at the Gates has been dubbed as the largest political platform within the State of Alabama.”

“Our political platform is growing as shown by the quality and substance of the candidates today,” said Local Lodge 2003 Legislative Committee Chairman Patrick Wise. “We are representing every county outside of the Fort Rucker Gates and across our state. Our union brothers and sisters are socio-economically impacting our community and state directly.”

Local Lodge 2003 would like to thank Troy Cable for hosting this event on their cable channel and Kay’s Kitchen and Taco Mich for providing meals and desserts for all in attendance during the event.

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Machinists Union Statement on Supreme Court’s Dobbs Decision

WASHINGTON, July 5, 2022 – Robert Martinez Jr., International President of the 600,000-member International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), released the following statement regarding the Supreme Court’s ruling on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization:

“Recently, the media reported that a few employers announced they will pay workers to travel to other states for medical care as a result of the Dobbs decision. Radical politicians across the country have even indicated that this decision opens the door to further restrict women’s and other rights, including contraceptive rights. This underscores that the Court’s decision threw these vital healthcare issues and costs back to our members at the bargaining table. This is just one of many reasons the IAM opposes this decision and supports each woman’s right to choose. The IAM is proud to have a long track record of securing health plans for our members that gives so many families access to quality, affordable healthcare and allows our members and healthcare professionals to make decisions about their wellbeing.

“Unfortunately, the Supreme Court has inserted itself into a critical healthcare decision by continuing its assault on working people and overturning nearly 50 years of precedent in the Dobbs case, which will significantly impact working women. The court has further signaled that it is willing to overturn long-standing precedents, attack other fundamental human rights and undermine the rule of law in this country. The Dobbs ruling is another step back for working families. 

“Our union has a motto that we stand by—an injury to one is an injury to all. We believe workers’ health care plans should always provide quality and the necessary healthcare required by an individual. The Supreme Court ruling has delivered a blow to healthcare as a fundamental human right. Now more than ever, working people need unions to protect their rights in a binding collective bargaining agreement.”

The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM) is one of the largest and most diverse industrial trade unions in North America, representing approximately 600,000 active and retired members in the aerospace, defense, airlines, railroad, transit, healthcare, automotive, and other industries.


goIAM.org | @MachinistsUnion

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Lodge 811 Continues Long-Standing Commitment to Community Service with Toy Drive for Pediatric Cancer Patients

Lodge 811 Continues Long-Standing Commitment to Community Service with Toy Drive for Pediatric Cancer Patients

IAM Local Lodge 811’s Women’s Committee recently dropped off a large donation of toys from their latest toy collection project for Texas Children’s Hospital in Houston, Texas.

In previous years the local donated any type of toy to all children at the hospital, but this time, the committee chose to collect specific toys for bed-ridden pediatric cancer patients: puzzles, word games, books, and hand-held electronics.

IAM Local 811 Secretary-Treasurer Sarah Monderoy Garcia has been on the Women’s Committee since 2013. She, Lodge 811 Vice President Nelson Yanes, Trustee Adrienne Coleman, Charlotte Lazard, and Evelita Everitt make up 811’s Women’s Committee, which is continually collecting donations for different organizations.

“We’re always doing some type of drive, whether it’s toiletries, clothing, or toys. We like to target different areas of need in the community,” said Garcia.

The committee encouraged members to bring donations to union meetings and advertised with flyers on the break-room bulletin boards at George Bush Intercontinental Houston Airport (IAH) where IAM Local 811 members work for United Airlines as ramp service employees, ground crew, and stores material specialists (members who work side-by-side with mechanics to provide parts for planes).

The committee strategically decides to host their toy drives in the summer time, the “off-season,” because hospitals typically receive an abundance of toy donations over the holidays but are running low and have new patients come summer.

“The hospital said our timing for the toy donation was like a breath of fresh air,” said Garcia.

Back in 2013 the Women’s Committee started off with small fundraisers, like hot-dog sales, to help members who were going through hard times. Their service to the entire community grew from there.

Now, in between toy drives the committee collects donations of toiletries for women’s shelters and clothing for those in need, and in July they’ll partner with 811’s sister lodge, IAM Local 2198, to conduct their annual “United Against Human Trafficking Seminar” where they educate coworkers, community members, and families about human tracking because as a major metropolitan city, Houston is a hotspot for human trafficking.

“As airport workers dealing with the traveling public, people in our profession should be aware of the signs of human trafficking,” said Garcia. “We want men and families to attend the event, any parent and children of age. Everyone should be able to know the signs. Knowledge is power. It is important to get this information out; it’s heavier but still needed.”

During Heart Health Awareness Month (February) the committee hosts a day-long event at the union hall to promote healthy living and educate people about heart disease and how heart attacks affect women differently.

“811’s Women’s Committee always impresses me,” said IAM Air-Transport Territory General Vice President Richard Johnsen. “Their attitude about giving back as union members and their innovative thinking towards community service is admirable; they’re an example to us all.”

“The Women’s Committee of Local Lodge 811, like so many IAM women’s committees, has a strong presence in their local and community,” said IAM General Secretary-Treasurer Dora Cervantes, who started with the union as a member of Lodge 2198. “These committees show the power of women in labor and communities. I’m incredibly proud of 811’s constant effort to make the IAM known in the community and garner member engagement for the good of the community.”

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Guide Dogs of America – Tender Loving Canines Mark National PTSD Awareness Day

Guide Dogs of America-Tender Loving Canines continues to advocate and serve Americans and service members in need. June 27 is National PTSD Awareness Day, to which GDA-TLC works to bring awareness to military veterans coping with PTSD.

With many IAM members serving in the armed forces, the Machinists Union will continue to be a driving force in securing assistance for veterans and their families. Tender Loving Canines and the PTSD Companion program is yet another way to support our service members when they return home.


Located in Sylmar, CA, the Guide Dogs of America-Tender Loving Canines training program costs the organization $60,000 to breed and train a PTSD Companion. Additionally, the program requires a 3-week online training program and a ten-day in-facility course to prepare veterans and their service companions.


To learn more about the program and how you can donate, help raise a puppy and advocate for veterans needing a PTSD companion, you can visit the Guide Dogs of America – Tender Loving Canines website here.


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Press Clips and Social Media Highlights from the IAM-CORE Apple Campaign

The National Labor Relations Board recently certified the union election win for over 100 Apple store employees in Towson, Md. The Coalition of Organized Retail Employees (CORE) overwhelmingly voted to join the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).

Here are some top press clips and social media posts from the historic organizing campaign to represent Towson, MD. Apple employees.

Top Press Clips:

READ: Apple Store workers approve union, the first in the U.S. (the Washington Post)

READ: Machinists Union’s Coalition of Organized Retail Employees Wins Historic Organizing Campaign to Represent Towson, Md. Apple Workers (IAM)

READ: Biden says he is proud of Apple workers who voted to join a union (Reuters)

READ: Apple would be unwise to fight ‘lopsided’ union vote, expert says (Yahoo Finance)

READ: Biden Says He’s ‘Proud’ of Apple Workers Voting to Unionize (Bloomberg)

READ: Apple Workers at Maryland Store Vote to Unionize, a First in the U.S. (The New York Times)

WATCH: Apple store employees in Towson become company’s first in US to unionize (WBAL)

READ: Apple workers at Maryland store vote 2-1 to organize (Associated Press)

READ: Maryland Apple store votes to unionize in first for company’s US locations (The Hill)


Social Media Highlights:

IAM-CORE members react to their union election victory

Nancy Pelosi tweeted her congratulations

CBS tweet video of CORE celebrating

IAM-CORE tweets about certification

Machinists Union tweets thanks to Biden

Machinists Union tweets Bloomberg article

Machinists Union tweets live video of CORE celebrating vote count

IAM-CORE tweets about winning vote

Machinist Union Facebook Status



WATCH: Why Apple Workers in Maryland are Organizing with the Machinists Union

READ: Maryland Apple Store Employees Move to Join the IAM

READ: Maryland Apple Store Employees File for Election to Join Machinists Union


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