IAM Local 447 members at Cummins have been on strike for six weeks at three locations in the New England area. Cummins wants to put into place inconsistent and subjective pay for performance policies Instead of guaranteed wage language, which has been negotiated since the contract’s inception.
These workers serviced generators in nursing homes, kept emergency vehicles running and supported frontline workers during the pandemic, risking their health and the health of their families. Asking for a fair and equitable contract that falls in line with current economic conditions is what they deserve.
The IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, Maryland, is excited to announce its new website and logos. This is the first time the Center has redesigned its logo since it opened in 1981 and it is the third major relaunch of the website since the Center went online in 2000.
The Communications Department and the Winpisinger Center worked together on these projects.
The website refresh prioritized an intuitive and clean design, making it easier to find content with fewer clicks, adding a FAQ section, and making travel forms and documents easier to locate. Program information is streamlined and descriptions of Negotiation Prep and Field Programs have been added. Future updates include a robust members-only section that will provide access to resources like the IAM constitution, official circulars, research guides, and back issues of IAM Educator.
“Our website is often the first interaction member-participants have with the Winpisinger Center,” said Director Chris Wagoner. “We want it to be engaging, informative, and easy to search. The new site more than meets these requirements; the group that worked on this project outdid themselves.”
The Winpisinger Center’s new logo is bold and modern and incorporates colors similar to those of the original IAM gear logo. In addition to the main logo there are two variants that will allow for flexibility in application and use.
The William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center embodies the IAM’s commitment to membership training, with a comprehensive and concise curriculum that includes programs on lodge administration, organizing, collective bargaining, communications, and arbitration. Participants learn how to navigate the changing workplace, advocate for their fellow members, and stand up to unfair bosses and company practices.
TOPIC: Changing of 3rd shift hours of work AT THE MAIN YARD ONLY. Proposed new hours are 10:30 PM – 6:30 AM. The proposal is to alleviate parking concerns between 3rd shift and 1st shift.
Ahead of another intense wildfire season, roughly a dozen NFFE-IAM firefighters, who service government-owned land, forests and parks, spent this week in Washington, D.C. urging lawmakers to address critical concerns such as an urgent need for wage increases amid increasing costs of living, improved health and wellness coverage, and better working conditions.
“We need to make changes right now. That starts with a $20 per hour base minimum wage,” said NFFE-IAM National President Randy Erwin. “The President increased the minimum hourly rate to $15 last year, and for that we are grateful, but more work must be done. Applications for employment are down 40% or more and we are losing experienced firefighters to state and local fire services. It is becoming impossible to recruit and maintain the qualified workforce needed to address longer and more destructive fire seasons every year. It’s putting more pressure on those who are working and they’re suffering, which is why are here in D.C.”
Robert Beckley, a NFFE-IAM National Vice President and Montana native who began fighting wildfires in 1975, says climate change has made the terrain more vulnerable to intense wildfires. These fire are hot enough to effectively kill forests by ‘sterilizing’ the ground, preventing regeneration on swaths of land that cover 100,000 acres or more.
“With climate change, with drought conditions, with insect infestation that damages trees, I’m noticing the lands are getting hotter and more trees are dying and rotting,” said Beckley. “That’s creating more fuel on the ground. When there’s a fire, it’s harder to control, it’s harder to put out and it demands more attention and more resources.”
An additional concern is seasonal NFFE-IAM firefighters, a significant portion of the workforce, many of whom have limited access to health insurance and are not eligible for government retirement. Retirement benefits for full-time firefighters, which require 20 years of service, does not cover seasonal NFFE-IAM members even if they worked 20 years of equivalent time simply because they are not full-time permanent employees.
“The wildland firefighters are often on their own after they are injured,” Beckley continued. “It is especially hard for seasonal firefighters who have no insurance or retirement to fall back on. For seasonal and full-time firefighters, it’s the same hot, dirty, nasty job that takes its toll on a body and mind.”
NFFE-IAM says the visits in Washington, which included meetings with representatives from the White House and lawmakers on Capitol Hill, were productive.
“This is a bipartisan issue. We’re ready to work with members on both sides of the aisle to get things done this year,” said Erwin. “Every office that we visited understood our needs. Now it’s important for them to push legislation and get firefighters and our national landscape the help they need.”
During Women’s History Month this year, the IAM is highlighting current trailblazers in the union. Are you an IAM Sister interested in taking a more active role in your union? Reach out to your District leadership about the IAM Leadership Assembly of Dedicated Sisters (LEADS) Program.
Lori Wilson started her IAM journey at IAM Local 933, holding several different positions in her local and district before becoming the second woman to be a Special Representative for the Eastern Territory. Wilson was an Education Representative at the William W. Winpisinger Center prior to becoming a Special Representative.
Wilson says she never really thought about becoming a leader, she just wanted to get involved and help her co-workers.
“That led to learning and growing in this great union, and if it wasn’t for some very great Brothers, I wouldn’t be where I am today,” said Wilson.
Wilson says she encountered many obstacles.
“Too many to share, especially with no other women before me to help with those obstacles,” said Wilson. “My first obstacle had to be my very first negotiations as a Business Representative. Prior to starting them, then District 65 Directing Business Representative Norm Smith called the Chief Steward to set me up to meet the committee and the steward stated ‘we don’t want a ****** women.’ This shop ended up going on strike from September to February. But through all of that, they became one of my biggest supporters.”
“Sister Lorie is an outstanding example of a strong leader who makes the IAM a stronger more resilient union,” said IAM Eastern Territory General Vice President Brian Bryant. “She was the first representative I added to my staff once I was assigned to the Eastern Territory. Our members are fortunate to have her knowledge, experience and expertise available to draw from. I am proud to call her a Sister and a friend. She is someone all our IAM sisters can look to for inspiration.”
Wilson credits many mentors for helping her along the way.
“My main mentor is retired Norm Smith,” said Wilson. “Norm saw something in me when I became local lodge president and eventually appointed me to Business Representative when he was retiring. He provided me with advice, guidance and support. I never felt like ‘it was just because I was a woman.’ He made me feel like I deserved it and I belonged. I will forever be indebted to him.”
Wilson also credits many other mentors, including: Retired District 65 Directing Business Representative Jim Johnston, retired Assistant Directing Business Representative Peter Cooney, retired District 98 Directing Business Representative Bob Miller and retired Assistant Directing Business Representative Tim Buck.
“Retired Eastern Territory Grand Lodge Education Representative Donna [LAST NAME?] had some similar obstacles with working for the territory with no other Sisters on staff,” said Wilson. “She showed me that building relationships with our Brothers helps us conquer obstacles along the way, and we are stronger when everyone works together.”
Wilson advice is for every Sister to get involved in your local lodge.
“Don’t let anyone hold you back,” said Wilson. “Michelle Obama said, ‘there’s power in allowing yourself to be known and heard, in owning your unique story, in using your authentic voice.’ For all members, learn that regardless of sex, race or orientation, we all need one another to keep this great union keep moving forward.”
“I hope our members learn that all of us belong, and if a Sister is promoted, it doesn’t mean they received the promotion just because they are a woman,” said Wilson. “Keep breaking down those barriers. Get involved in educating all workers who continue to try to bring us down and degrade us. We worked our asses off and deserve it!”
Lastly, she wants to encourage others to “continue to educate both our Brothers and Sisters on how to embrace each other and work together to take down any barriers that get in the way. I am looking forward to getting the LEADS program started and see all of our Sisters grow and meet their potential.”
During Women’s History Month this year, the IAM is highlighting current trailblazers in the union. Are you an IAM Sister interested in taking a more active role in your union? Reach out to your District leadership about the IAM Leadership Assembly of Dedicated Sisters (LEADS) Program.
Jessica Deming is a founding member of the Local 63 Young Workers Committee. She later became the Woman’s Committee Chair and went on to be elected to the Local Executive Board. This year, she became president of Local 63.
She credits former Local 63 President John Kleiboeker for helping her to get her start as a leader.
“John encouraged me and provided opportunities for growth in the union,” said Deming. “Coming from a family with all sisters, to having all daughters, coaching softball, and now as a joint programs administrator, John is, and has always been, an advocate. My experience was that I could always count on him to ask me where I need him to stand. When there were injustices, he would get mad along with us, truly mad. The level of trust that John has built between him and the sisters should be the rule for other advocates.”
Deming says the biggest obstacle she has faced is feeling brave.
“I have always had the guts to speak up and be heard, but the further I move up in leadership, the more thoughts of ‘am I good enough’ creep in,” said Deming. “When I am facing a new leadership position, I worry if I will be able to handle the responsibilities. I wonder can I inspire our brothers and sisters to follow me. I’m out here banging on doors for opportunities, but when the times comes where they give you a shot, then you have to perform.”
“The aspect, if I’m being honest, that has been the hardest part is believing in myself,” said Deming. “I think many women, and I know I do, feel like we carry the burden of all women. When you fail or make a mistake, then it feels bigger than yourself. I’m not letting just myself down, I’m letting down the young sisters coming after me. I feel like those bridges that my generation are unable to climb will undoubtedly land on our sister’s tomorrow. I feel that responsibility very deeply. It is our young sisters faces I see when I think about giving in to the struggle.”
Deming credits the IAM women’s conference in 2019, including her role as a speaker there, for inspiring her to overcome that obstacle. She recalls other speakers who talked about how women tend to turn down job offers unless they feel they can do everything the position requires immediately. Men, on other hand, will go for a job they don’t know much about and figure it will work out.
The speaker, Deming said, “called on us sisters to be brave and believe in ourselves.”
“She asked us not to turn down opportunities because we are scared we won’t be able to cut it,” said Deming. “I really related to what she was speaking to, and when I am offered an opportunity that I want to do, I take it. I won’t say that it isn’t scary, because it can be. But, at the end of the day, I’ve learned my feet still work even when I am scared. I put one foot in front of the other and before I know it, I am coming out the other side, in spite of the doubt. That big scary thing that is in your path has been deconstructed, and you realize you were capable, and not only have you built faith in yourself, but in the brothers and sisters that stand beside you”.
Deming’s advice for women members in the union is to not be afraid to speak up.
“Networking can be difficult for sisters. We tend to be main caretakers of the home,” said Deming. “We have less opportunity to build relationships that lead to leadership positions. We have to make the best use of our when interacting. Don’t be afraid to speak up and ask a questions at your general meeting. Don’t be afraid to give an opinion, because it lets people know you can speak up for yourself, and it builds trust in you as a leader. Sometimes it can feel like we are all fighting for the same spot. We have to make the decision to uplift our sisters. We are all from different backgrounds and have had very different experiences. We should learn from each other.”
Deming admired the late Western Territory Grand Lodge Representative Maria Santiago-Lillis.
“While I was trying to navigate how to move up in the union, I would ask Maria 1,000 questions,” said Deming. “She always would take the time to work things out with me. I knew I could trust her guidance. Maria, along with Mary McHugh and Julie Taylor-Frietchen have gone out of their way to put me in situations that are challenging. They would say ‘If you feel like we are picking on you, we are.’ Because they understood that the world can be tough for women leaders.”
“Jessica is a fine young leader who always brings hope and a great attitude into any question,” said IAM Western Territory General Vice President Gary R. Allen. “I can remember Maria telling me about Jessica’s great potential and her heartfelt desire to help people and her inner strength.”
“I hope other members understand that we have sisters that really want to be involved.” said Deming. “I think there is this traditional approach to mentoring throughout the world, but we need to ask are we encouraging and presenting leadership opportunities in a way that inspires our sisters to grab those opportunities?”
Deming hopes that by sharing her story, “that we continue to come together. We should try to understand each other’s experience in a way that fosters unity”.
“I hope it inspires us to get to know each other and hear opinions from sisters that think in a completely different way,” said Deming. “We should always remember women’s issues are union issues. We are the unstoppable force in our union and everywhere else. With fist raised high we say, ‘We are the storm!’”
More than 400 IAM Local 388 and Machinists Union Local 1191 (District 6) members who work at Eaton Mission Systems Division of Davenport are on strike for retirement security, fair health care benefits and wages. Machinists Union members voted almost unanimously to strike after management made a contract offer with sub-standard wages, reduced health care benefits and decreased 401(k) retirement matching contributions.
The strike began on Friday, February 18. Now as members begin their fourth week on the picket line, they remain strong, despite heavy handed tactics from management. In a letter from Eaton management to striking members, they were told to return to work by March 9 or risk being replaced and waitlisted. The letter came just as members had voted resoundingly to reject the company’s most recent offer.
“The second offer only made one significant change – to the length of the agreement,” said IAM District 6 Directing Business Representative John Herrig. “Our members saw right through that, and the proof is in the results.”
“IAM Members of Local 388 and Local 1191 deserve a contract that reflects their commitment and dedication,” said IAM Midwest Territory General Vice President Steve Galloway. “I’m proud of these members fighting for a fair, just agreement that protects them and their families. We will continue to stand with them every step of the way toward a fair contract.”
If you’d like to support these members and all IAM members taking a stand for dignity and justice on the job, consider an online donation to the IAM Strike Fund.
More than 600,000 @MachinistsUnion members from across North America have your back!
IAM Local 1781 and 1782 (District 141) members went on a private tour of the Sylmar, Ca. training facility for Guide Dogs of America / Tender Loving Canines (GDA/TLC). Members went to the facility to learn more about GDA/TLC, and exactly what it is the IAM’s charity of choice does.
“We learned how the dogs are raised start to finish, got a better insight and perspective of what they do, how they involve the community, and assist our members in need,” said Local 1781 President Tony Parker. “We are learning as much as possible so that we can go back and let our members know how important it is to support local charities and upcoming fundraisers for GDA/TLC.”
“To show what this facility means to our members, being here to see what they do, so that we can go back and hold fundraisers,” said Local 1782 President Wendy Goodell. “Because we want to raise money to help this wonderful program that in turn helps lots of people.”
Members got to experience all the program has to offer, from the breeding program, training program, to placing service dogs to those in need, as well as blindfold walks without vision, with a dog.
“It’s great both of these locals making the trip to see and learn firsthand all the resources that goes into raising a future guide dog,” said Richard Johnsen, IAM Chief of Staff to the International President. “My thanks to all involved for learning more about this important facility and the invaluable work that they do.”
In preparation for the Locals’ upcoming membership celebrations, both Lodges will be holding a GDA/TLC fundraiser on July 23.
Guide Dogs of America/Tender Loving Canines provides service dogs for people who are blind/visually impaired, veterans, children with autism, and facilities to become trusted companions that bring confidence, independence, and mobility. Their services are provided free of charge to residents in the U.S. and Canada.
On March 11, IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. honored 26 Machinists members at the union’s headquarters near Washington, DC. The group are newly educated veterans advocates who took part in the IAM Veterans Services Program earlier that week at the IAM’s William W. Winpisinger Education and Technology Center in Hollywood, MD.
“Thank you for your service to our union. Each of you play a critical role in keeping our union strong and making it stronger,” said Martinez Jr, a veteran of the U.S. Navy. “Our union is tied to our military like no other union in the labor movement.”
The International President handed-out certificates and snapped photos with the new veterans advocates.
“We are going to become the first union to fully process government claims for our members who are veterans,” said Martinez. “Our veterans have earned these benefits and we should not leave a single penny on the table.”
IAM District 70 Secretary-Treasurer Teressa Peart, a U.S. Marine Corps veteran who resides in Wichita, KS, was excited about attending the week-long pre-certification course and enjoyed meeting the International President.
“There’s nothing better than being in the company of union members who are veterans. It’s great to be able to sit in the same room with them and have the same goal,” says Peart, who served from 1989 to 1993. “It’s great. We have a common bond.”
If an IAM member and veteran, or a family member, is interested in learning more about the IAM Veterans Services Program, please go to iam4.me/VeteranServices.
WASHINGTON, March 15, 2022 – IAM International President Robert Martinez Jr. sent a letter to President Biden urging a robust F-35 Lightning II program investment in the Administration’s Fiscal Year 2023 Defense Department budget request.The F-35 program currently provides for tens of thousands of high-quality Machinists Union jobs, supports more than 250,000 direct and indirect jobs nationwide, and is the only 5th generation stealth fighter currently in production.
“Thousands of Machinists Union members and their families across the country rely on these irreplaceable jobs supported by the program—from the F-35 primary production facility in Fort Worth, Texas to its engine manufacturing facility in Middletown, Connecticut and across the program’s vast network of suppliers from West Palm Beach, Florida to northern California,” said Martinez. “All told, the F-35 program supports more than 254,000 direct and indirect jobs nationwide. The program’s network of suppliers includes more than 1,800 first-tier suppliers across the country supporting high-skilled jobs and more than $49 billion in annual economic impact spread across all 50 states. Your administration’s strong budgetary support of the F-35 Lightning II program is necessary to support these workers, the companies that employ them, and the domestic aerospace supply chain they robustly reinforce.”
Many Machinists Union members working on the F-35 program are U.S. military veterans. Supporting the F-35 program means good jobs for veterans and their families. Machinists Union members are the most talented and experienced aerospace and defense workers in the world.
The International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers is one of the largest and most diverse industrial trade unions in North America, representing approximately 600,000 active and retired members in the aerospace, defense, airlines, railroad, transit, healthcare, automotive, and other industries.