Leadership Connection: 12/11/20
Leadership Alert: 12/8/20
Brothers and Sisters,
Here are three (3) incentive MOA’s. All Local S6 mechanics are eligible for participation. Participation is purely voluntary. Bath Iron Works has provided data showing times of the year when they have the most outs and where Bath Iron Works needs people at work to aid in schedule recuperation. The Union suggested offering incentives to come to work by putting more money in mechanics pockets or having an additional paid day off. Please find the three (3) agreements below.
In Solidarity,
Local S6 Leadership
Leadership Alert: Incentive Award- 12/2/20
COVID-19 Update: 11/20/20
Brothers and Sisters,
There has been no new agreement signed for facemasks. Compliance with facemasks should be everyone’s concern and priority, aligning with the terms and conditions of the existing Memorandum of Agreement. What we don’t want is direction being given that incites an argument or misguided direction, leading to disciplining of our members. The agreement signed by both parties back on 8/13/20 is below for reference so everyone understands what the rules are.
In Solidarity,
Local S6 Leadership