2023 Negotiations: Day 9

2023 Negotiations: Day 9

Brothers and Sisters,

 We continue to work on the remaining articles and have proposals going back and forth with the company. Discussions are ongoing as we review all the information/analytics available to make the most informed decisions for our membership. We thank you for your continued support. 

In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee

2023 Negotiations: Day 8

2023 Negotiations: Day 8

Brothers and Sisters,

Now that all the articles are on the negotiating table, we have a higher frequency of proposals going back and forth as we start to work heavily with our economic package. We came to tentative agreements on two (2) more articles today.  

Today we reached tentative agreements on: 

  • Article 27: While Assigned Rates
  • Classification Task Lists

We will pick up the process first thing Monday. We hope everyone has a great weekend.

As always, thank you for your support. 

* Tentative Agreements may be subject to change.

In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee


2023 Negotiations: Day 7

2023 Negotiations: Day 7

Brothers and Sisters,

Today we had initial discussions about the following:

  • Article 17: Holidays, 
  • Article 22: Pension Plan, 
  • Article 35: General Dynamics Stock Savings and Investment Plan.

Today we reached tentative agreements on:*

  • Article 7: Classifications
  • Article 20: Wellness Program
  • Article 29: Bereavement.    

This marks the first time we’ve had conversations on the economic package for the contract. We are now engaged in talks on every remaining article that has not been tentatively agreed on. The team continues working hard and remains dedicated to the process. We desire to bring home the best contract for the membership. Updates will keep coming as they become available.

* Tentative Agreements may be subject to change.

In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee


2023 Negotiations: Day 5 & 6

Brothers and Sisters,

Day 5: 8/1/23

Negotiations reconvened and through the team’s efforts, we were able to reach a tentative agreement on Article 24: Grievance Procedure.


Day 6: 8/2/23

Today we reached the part of the bargaining process where we needed to change gears. There are a number of ongoing discussions between the two parties. The amount of back and forth is increasing, but talks remain professional as we start getting into the more impactful articles. We will continue to keep you up-to-date as we move full steam ahead.


Thank you all for your support. 

In Solidarity,

Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee