Aug 11, 2023 | Local S6 Leadership Alerts, Negotiations
Brothers and Sisters,
Thank you for your patience. Please find the attached tentative agreement below:
*Corrected Schedule B: 8/16/23 has been added to the original TA, replacing inaccurate Schedule B*
CLICK HERE: 2023 LS6 Tentative Agreement: CLICK HERE
Additionally: Please review the highlights listed below:
Article 1 – Recognition
Article 4 – Checkoff
Article 9 – Probationary Employee
Article 10 – Shift Changes
Article 11 – Overtime
Article 13 – Reporting-In Pay, Minimum Pay, Call Back Pay
Article 14 – Injured Employee
Article 15 – Layoff/Recall
Article 16 – Seniority
Article 20 –Wellness Program
Article 23- Supervisors Not To Work With Tools
Article 25 – No Strike/No Lockout
Article 26 – Return To Work/Stay At Work Process
Article 30 – Subcontracting
Article 33 – Emergency Response Team
Article 34 – Payday
Article 36 – Scoping
Article 37 – Rescoping
Article 38 – Transfers/Job Opening Process
Article 39 – Joint Agreement Proces
Article 40 – Out of Town Work/Out Of Town Job Assignments
Article 41 – Parking
Article 42 – Skill or Ability
Article 44 – Manning/Demanning
Article 45 – Super Seniority
Article 46 – New Technology/Process Change
Article 52 – New Business Opportunities
Schedule B – Hours of Work
Schedule C – Weekend Overtime Hours
Schedule D – Subcontracting Standing List
Article 2 – No Discrimination
- Expanded diversity language.
Article 3 – Responsibilities
- If there are to be any deviations to the current merit raise forms, they will be jointly developed with the Trade Superintendent and Trade Shop Stewards.
Article 5 – Union Representation/Recognized Committees
- Added the Young Machinists Committee to the list of recognized committees.
- Removed asterisk regarding 8813 sign-out privileges/conferring time requirements with Labor Relations.
- Simplified sign-out with no Greenbooks.
Article 6 – Union Representative Pay
- Follows the requirements of Article 5.
Article 7 – Classifications
- “Safety Inspectors” are now “Safety Technicians”
- Reduction in how loans are tracked. Adopted Union language.
- The number of short-term loans is restricted to 300 occurrences per year which will be jointly tracked by the Company and the Union.
- An occurrence shall be any day that one trade is loaned under this section by area.
- EG: If S40s from Ultra, P02, and 5 Skids are loaned for one day to the AB as P10s, this will count as 3 occurrences.
- MOU Jan 23, 2023, containing additional rules for the administration of loans is incorporated by reference into this Article.
Article 8 – Apprentices
- Return to a 4-year program.
- Open for all classifications except L40.
- Current apprentices will be grandfathered into the program.
Article 12 – Second and Third Shift Premiums
- If you are assigned to the second or third shift, you will be paid a shift premium of $1.75 for the hours worked on those shifts.
Article 17- Holidays
For a full Holiday Schedule please review the tentative agreement linked at the top of this post: Page 25.
You will have two (2) floating holidays which can be used at your discretion in a full-day increment with five (5) days’ notice.
NOTE: Floating holidays may be rolled over into the following calendar year, and will be converted to Banked Holidays (BHLs). Banked holidays must be used by March 31 of the following calendar year.
Article 18 – Compensated Time Off
- All CTO can be used in 1-hour increments
- 0-1 year seniority now has 48 hours CTO.
- $2.00 while assigned rate for C70, S18, and Y02 removed. All CTO taken on Fridays no longer needs to be scheduled by noon on Thursday.
Article 19 – Compensation

- The following trades are allowed to progress to pay grade 8: A06
- The following trades are allowed to progress to pay grade 5: L40, M03.
- Upon ratification of the contract, Grades 1 through 7 will automatically be advanced to the next applicable pay grade in the following trades: T04, S40, and W12.
- Upon ratification of the contract, M03s will change grades as follows: grade 5 and below will move to grade 1, grade 6 will move to grade 2, grade 7 will move to grade 3, grade 8 will move to grade 4, and grade 9 will move to grade 5.
Article 21- Employees’ Benefits
For the full Benefits Article please review the tentative agreement linked at the top of this post: Page 36.
Article 22- Pension Plan
For the full Pension Article please review the tentative agreement linked at the top of this post: Page 36.
Article 24 – Grievance Procedure
- Add “Grievance Day” step to the procedure.
- The Company or the Union may request a meeting to attempt resolution of any outstanding grievance prior to arbitration. The meeting is to include at a minimum, the Chief Steward, two (2) Grievance Committee members, the Director of Labor Relations, and the Superintendent of the impacted trade.
- In the event a discharge grievance is not heard within thirty (30) days of filing the grievance either party shall be permitted to move the grievance to Arbitration in accordance with Section 5.
Article 27 – While Assigned Rates
- Added (2) WAR’s for M03’s.
- You will receive $5.00 per hour above your base rate: M03 classification emptying needle disposal units.
- Sweeper: The M03 classification will receive a While Assigned Rate (WAR) of $2.00 when operating.
Article 29 – Bereavement
- Stepchild added to six days.
- Stepson/Stepdaughter removed from three days.
- Gatherfather/Grandmother added to three days.
- Gatherfather/Grandmother removed from one day.
- Son-in-law/Daughter-In-Law added to one day.
Article 31- Special Events
- The Director of Labor Relations or designee and the Chief Steward or designee agree to work together in good faith to ensure appropriate staffing for public events e.g., open houses, christening.
Article 32 – At Sea Assignments
- H18 classification added to Sea Trials.
Article 35 – 401k
- The BIW matching contribution in SSIP in effect on August 20, 2023 of $0.35 on every dollar you defer up to the first 5% of straight time pay will continue unchanged through December 31, 2024. Effective with the first paycheck in January 2025, BIW’s matching contribution on every dollar you defer to the first 5% of straight time will be increased to $0.40. Effective with the first paycheck in January 2026, BIW’s matching contribution on every dollar you defer to the first 5% of straight time will be increased to $0.45 and remain at that level for the duration of this agreement.
- Effective with plan year beginning January 1, 2024, employees will have the option to contribute to a 401(k) Roth.
- All new hires and rehires will be automatically enrolled with a default deferral of 5% of straight-time pay invested in the default investment* fund selected by the Plan Administrator for auto-enrollment under the Plan.
Article 43 – Supervisor Regression
- Regressed Front Line Supervisors are not eligible for transfer to any other Local S6 classification until they have worked in the regressed-to trade for one year.-+
Article 47 – Education and Training
- Increased tuition reimbursement rates.
- Non-degree course (Pass/Fail): Pass reimbursed at 100%
- Licenses – (i.e. FE/PE) exam cost will be reimbursed at 100%
- Total annual reimbursements cannot exceed $2,500
- Reimbursements will be offset by any educational assistance from any other source (i.e. VA GI bill, Federal/State/Private grants, scholarships. Employees must list all other sources of funding on reimbursement application.
Article 48 – Safety and Health Committee
- Two pairs a year of rubber boots per year – Y02 structural fabrication.
- One set of rain gear for offsite H18s.
Article 49 – Attendance at Work
- A grace period of ½ hour one time per month for lates will be excused.
- Notification for all attendance disciplinary actions will be sent via mail and text message to the employee’s address and phone number on file, and take effect immediately. The employee’s supervisor will be notified at each disciplinary step. The employee’s supervisor will be notified at each disciplinary step and will notify the employee as soon as possible.
- Added flexibility to PB usage.
- PB’s and discipline reset every January.
- First Offense: Written Warning: If you have more than fourteen (14) unexcused absences in any calendar year. If you have unexcused absences in excess of sixty (60) hours in any calendar year.
- Second Offense: Final Written Warning: If you have any additional unexcused absences after being issued a first written warning.
- Third Offense: Discharge: If you have any additional unexcused absences after being issued a final written warning.
- NOTE: The Company will provide the Union with a list of employees due for discharge under this Article daily. Discharges will go into effect until three days following the list being sent to the Union.
Article 50 – Rules of Conduct
No Report: Employees are required to report an absence through the Call-In process within one hour of the start of the shift. For absences of five consecutive workdays, employees must communicate with their Craft Administration at least weekly.
As always, we deeply appreciate your continued support and patience during this process.
In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee
Aug 10, 2023 | Local S6 Leadership Alerts, Negotiations
Brothers and Sisters,
We appreciate everyone’s patience with our updates. We have been working late to gain as much as we can, remaining committed to arriving at the best outcome on the articles that impact us financially.
Substantial progress has been made but we are still bargaining on Article 19: Compensation and Article 49: Attendance at Work.
When we have arrived at agreements on these last two (2) articles, we will share the eagerly anticipated details with the membership. We want every member to have ample time to understand the changes, but we are more focused on presenting a quality contract than a quickly assembled contract.
As always, we deeply appreciate your continued support.
In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee
Aug 7, 2023 | Local S6 Leadership Alerts, Negotiations
2023 Negotiations: Day 9
Brothers and Sisters,
We continue to work on the remaining articles and have proposals going back and forth with the company. Discussions are ongoing as we review all the information/analytics available to make the most informed decisions for our membership. We thank you for your continued support.
In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee
Aug 4, 2023 | Local S6 Leadership Alerts, Negotiations
2023 Negotiations: Day 8
Brothers and Sisters,
Now that all the articles are on the negotiating table, we have a higher frequency of proposals going back and forth as we start to work heavily with our economic package. We came to tentative agreements on two (2) more articles today.
Today we reached tentative agreements on:
- Article 27: While Assigned Rates
- Classification Task Lists
We will pick up the process first thing Monday. We hope everyone has a great weekend.
As always, thank you for your support.
* Tentative Agreements may be subject to change.
In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee
Aug 3, 2023 | Local S6 Leadership Alerts, Negotiations
2023 Negotiations: Day 7
Brothers and Sisters,
Today we had initial discussions about the following:
- Article 17: Holidays,
- Article 22: Pension Plan,
- Article 35: General Dynamics Stock Savings and Investment Plan.
Today we reached tentative agreements on:*
- Article 7: Classifications
- Article 20: Wellness Program
- Article 29: Bereavement.
This marks the first time we’ve had conversations on the economic package for the contract. We are now engaged in talks on every remaining article that has not been tentatively agreed on. The team continues working hard and remains dedicated to the process. We desire to bring home the best contract for the membership. Updates will keep coming as they become available.
* Tentative Agreements may be subject to change.
In Solidarity, Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee
Aug 2, 2023 | Local S6 Leadership Alerts, Negotiations
Brothers and Sisters,
Day 5: 8/1/23
Negotiations reconvened and through the team’s efforts, we were able to reach a tentative agreement on Article 24: Grievance Procedure.
Day 6: 8/2/23
Today we reached the part of the bargaining process where we needed to change gears. There are a number of ongoing discussions between the two parties. The amount of back and forth is increasing, but talks remain professional as we start getting into the more impactful articles. We will continue to keep you up-to-date as we move full steam ahead.
Thank you all for your support.
In Solidarity,
Local Lodge S6 Negotiating Committee